Has anyone ever had experience with this strain before...this is my first grow and id like to know if anyone has dealt with it before. If so, what was the dry yield? Smoking experience? Someone plz give me some feedback!!


Active Member
From what i have read a few people have grown it just search for the threads. but i couldnt find a smoke report on it.. as far as the dry yield and smokeing experience that depends on you and how well u take care of them..


a friend of mine just got done with his widow and he does very well with it... probably for every 12 plants 3.5

here is a pic of it....



Active Member
ive grown ww inside and now outside, i have 9 outside they are 6-7 ft tall now, been flowering about 2 weeks, smoke is good, ive had people tell me they hallucinate on my tinture that i made out of it, it has nice high, it doesnt need high doses of ferts, just watch them and supply what they need, enjoy the growing experience, dont think of how much your going to get, get in tune w/them, good luck


Well-Known Member
I haven't. I haven't smoked it either.
You can't tell the dry weight before you grow it. You can grow a tree that'll give 4 pounds and you can grow a tiny toothpick that would yield less than a doobie.
Smoking experience? It supposed to be pretty evened out all around strain. You could look for smoke reports - there are plenty.

If should be pretty easy to grow and suspicious to mold.

I would go with straight White Widdow instead. Should give you more potent buds, should be easier to grow and the seeds should be cheaper.

For a first try I'd give Aurora Indica by Nirvana seeds a go. I haven't tried them but I've tried 2 other nirvana strains and they were very easy to grow with nice yields. The aurora indica is told to have some really nice phenotips and should be a better smoke than my Papaya and Blue Mystics.

Just my 2cents.


I been growing w.w. for 3y some of the best I ever had I'm growing it rite now check the journal hydroponic for life I get a Qp per one plant undre 1000w hps good luck..