White widow yield


Well-Known Member
What is an average per plant dry yield of a white widow? Particularly, what is the average yield of WW plants that are about 18-20 inches tall at the start of flowering?


Well-Known Member
Well you can only estimate and never no approxement because it all depends on the enviroment and your genentics so I would say about 30g dry.


Well-Known Member
I got Nirvana's WW with a Sativa Dom Pheno, best i've got so far is about 1.5oz dry per plant.I'm no pro and have only been messing with her since about first of this August. I do know @ a 14 inch Veg before flower, (About a month from seed veg for me) she was 6 ft tall and had to tie her over to keep her under the lights in my grow tent. My journal is here , it covers from August to present day.


how you doin.......have you got any pictures of ya white widow plants

ive got 9 white widow in ther first week of flowering,,just want to have a look to compare to make shure im on the right track bein my first
time growing

nice 1
Depends on how much its branched, and how big of a pot you have it in.
18-20 inches, not alot of branches, 30 grams dry or so, mostly on a big top bud.
If you have them branched out to 5-6 flowering tops, you could ecpect 60 to 80 grams dry.
This is from personal experience, as I grow widows in 8 inch soil containers.
I have tried both the main cola method with them, and branching or super cropping as well.
I found the cola method produces less bud, but more potent smoke, as branching produces a little more smoke, with a slight drop in potency.
I use only organic nutes.
I also found that super cropping, or branching or pruning the plants, also seems to reduce their flowering period by 2-3 weeks, they will about double in height. But allowing them to continue with a cola, and letting them gain height, they will double or triple in height during the flowering period, and it will go on for 8-10 weeks.
Widows are very adaptable, as they can be pruned to mimic an indica, or allowed to grow unchecked, like a sativa.
I can reccomend, during the last 4-5 days of flowering, give them NO light, and LITTLE water, keeping the soil almost dry. This will push out the last bit of the THC, and make a dramatic difference in flavor and potency, aroma too.
Oh, and good luck with the smell, if smell is an issue for you adress it NOW, widows STINK.
Heres a pic of three widows, unpruned, or maybe just tip pruned late, I dont remember, but you get the idea.
march 24 2012 018.jpg