white widow


Well-Known Member
is it as hard to grow as people make out theres some sort of panic when it comes to white strains any advice as ive just joined the white widow club 3 days so far fingers crosed!


Well-Known Member
Simply put: NO
It's not hard to grow white strains at all, people who find it hard have simply not put the time, effort and money into research (such as reading!!! haha), setting up their grow space or getting the equipment they need.



Well-Known Member
I've never grown supergirl before so I can't say for sure. But Widow usually dislikes too much water, if you don't let the medium dry out properly between waterings, it will quickly show signs of over watering, possibly leading to Nitrogen (N) deficiency.
That's my experience with it, I grew it next to a water hungry strain and watered it the same amount and it hated all that water haha, doesn't like having wet feet.


Well-Known Member
i am growing white widow behind g-13's. So far no problems with the white widows. I wish I had my supergirls but Nirvana did not come through for me lol.


Well-Known Member
im currently watering twice a day for a minuite a time using a drip system they dont seem to hungry at the moment but well soon see as they grow


Well-Known Member
Yea be careful with watering is my only advice at this point. I thought they'd get a lot thirstier as they got older, especially when they flowered, but the simply never did. It may have just been the phenos I had, coz I only grew a few to fill in some gaps. Still got another 6 or something seeds to go of them, but not impressed with the Widows I've grown so far, one of my home made strains is far superior in potency. Hopefully I find some better Widow phenos when I grow out the rest, got like 50 other seeds to go first tho :p


Well-Known Member
there 12 days old in pic i wasnt to sure on the strain first bcos hadnt heard much but just went for 10 fem seeds and havent looked back there growing some nice leaves and have a slightly purple tinge looking good so far