white widow

smokey jo

I Have 4 white widow big bud plants grown from seed the problem is they dont smell. our previous crop which was jacks stunk the place out however this crop dosnt smell at all im really concerned have i wasted my time PLEASEEE HELLLPP :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
how is the trichome production? And some pictures would be good...and some information as to how old the plants are helps too...2 week old seedlings don't really do much in the smell department ;)


Active Member
how is the trichome production? And some pictures would be good...and some information as to how old the plants are helps too...2 week old seedlings don't really do much in the smell department ;)
If you're saying they're budding I do find this strange. My White Widows smell in their veg stage. It could be a genetic problem. What brand of seeds are they?

smokey jo

they are white widow big bud thats all i no they have been budding for 3 weeks now the buds are huge i have them in 40 ltr pots and they are still growing to i just dnt no what to do how do i upload photos i hope i aint wasting my time lol


Well-Known Member
My WW didnt smell very much ether but with a cure you should get a Minty Toothpaste taste


Well-Known Member
Just because it dont have a stong smell doesnt mean it will be bad bud. Some strains dont produce much aroma until they are cured. If everything else is right, then you should be good. Finish it out, you may be surprised.

smokey jo

Just because it dont have a stong smell doesnt mean it will be bad bud. Some strains dont produce much aroma until they are cured. If everything else is right, then you should be good. Finish it out, you may be surprised.
what do u mean buy cured.... finished and dryed????