White Widows, window light


Active Member
I'm using regular potting soil, a little miracle grow and good old natural sunlight (I get alot).

Do these have a chacne of getting much of a crop or would you recommend I switch to unnatural light and fertilizer/chemicals?

This is about 1.5 weeks in.

I should also note this is my first time :P



Well-Known Member
ya i had the same problem with the stretching, but i started my current grow under some fluro shop lights and they are doing alot better.


Well-Known Member
yeah very stretched. whack them under some strong 6400k cfls, as many as poss! at least during dimmer periods. shouldnt cost much and easy to set up. might even be fun putting effort into the grow?!


Active Member
Update on this, I still haven't gotten lights yet... Uh... I'll do it today!

Right now they're hella stretching and they're only getting 6 hours of sunlight every day. its been roughly a month now, and they're still tilted etc.

How many hours of light should I give them by light? My friend is lending me his budding light. Any advice?


Active Member
Be warned this is coming from marijuna grower beginner!!! but I have grown lots of things from seeds previously...

You should turn them so they don't bend too much to one side.

If they have very long stems they will be more unstable - and potentially fall over.

On my ones that I have started I have used the CFL bulbs.
It was very easy and cheap: got two energy saving bulbs (and put them into lamps that I had already) and a timer. I have mine in the window also but have the lights on them too as they need about 18hrs of light at the early stages so the timer does that automatically.


Well-Known Member
How about getting the lights alot closer until you get the equipment. They are going to die if you dont do something.