Whiteberry CFL Stealth Grow


Active Member
Bagseed sprouted 13th sept after being in water and wet paper towel.

14th sept noticed problem on one leaf

15th sept

16th sept

19th sept leaf problem got worse so i trimmed the leaf

21st sept second set of leaves appear

21st sept
Grow Cupboard view 21st sept

22nd sept second leaf set development

22nd sept

23rd sept


Active Member
9th october whiteberry in hydroponics system, and unknown bagseed in soil 3 days old.

Whiteberry on the 9th

Unknown bagseed on the 9th, planted on the 6th sprouted on the 8th


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Great example of running a CFL as close a possible, plant stressed a little but you held firm. You should have some dense nugs if you maintain the node spacing.

Just cover up that stem when you pot up.


Active Member
another cfl will be added closer to the second bagseed, it sprouted a hell of a lot quicker than the other one so i was unprepared with another light


Active Member
Whiteberry bagseed 18th oct looking very unhealthy, suspected nute burn

Unknown bagseed 18th oct



Active Member
water = bad during light time.. did u flush the top one? because of nutrient burn or ur going to keep going and let it pull itself through


Active Member
hydro had liquid plant food in and is now being flushed because of suspected nute burn

stop spraying the leaves? can you expand? i always knew foliar spraying as a good thing for plants

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
There are many reasons why it is bad for indoor growers. You run the risk of burning the plant as the water magnifies the light, mold, decreased resin production do to increased surface area (misted plants develop wider leafs in order to transpire the additional moisture), accidentally spray a light and it's gone.

Not sure of the benefits maybe someone could add a counter point.

Misting is different than foliage feeding.


Active Member
Unknown bagseed 22nd oct

Whiteberry bagseed 22nd oct
hydro with pure water for 4 days so far to stop nuteburn



Active Member
I have foliar fed in the past and don't do it anymore, in veg or bloom, and don't notice any difference. If you are using HPS or MH then you can burn the leaves when misting during the day but I don't think it's as much of a problem with CFLs, plus it's a lot cheaper to replace a CFL if it broke from getting cooled too quickly when sprayed.

Anyways, nice setup dude. What kind of nutes and what's the ppm on them?


Active Member
top that white berry when you get the chance...im currently on a paradise seeds white berry grow as well...it responds A+ to topping...also tie it down (lst) and super crop...it worked GREAT on my plants...i have mine in ocean forest...feeding fox farm nutes...so far no problems...they look like beasts.

give it a try.