WhiteWidow-Purple-Kush Pictures *UPDATE*


Active Member
quick question regarding your plants...well first, I have to say those HONESTLY are the healthiest looking plants I have seen on this forum, so congrats on that bro, lookin REAL nice!!

My question is, did you prune some of the bigger plants in your pics? They look great, dont get me wrong, but also look a bit "stretched". But being new to this, I wanted to know if pruning prior to, or during the flowering stage is necessary or reccomended. I have a 5' female that I've just started to flower that is quite a bit bushier than yours and didnt know if I should begin to cut away some of the larger fan leaves.

Hope I didnt jack your thread too much... and again, nice ass lookin set of plants brotha!


Well-Known Member
Naw your fine on the thread ?....I havent pruned anything...more fingers the better ,from what i learned..i add co2 and SS on every water,just a drop in a 12oz water bottle..also my grow room is great..i have a 24 inch fan blowing directly @ the plants with a window open...:mrgreen: also its snowing out-side right now,so the plants are getting tons of cold outside air...bongsmilie Also thx all for the comments..ill keep this thread updated...later fellas


Well-Known Member
gr8 looking plant, how old r they
i love to see a grow go well, makes me happy and tingly inside picturing my plants coming out like that :D


Well-Known Member
Damn the girls are looking great...Alaska-bloom really works great...need to get my 1000W MH Red sun bulb in the mail for the flowers to really take off.....:hug::hump:
