• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

who and what are the new controllers at mmma about really?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I would say the 3MA isn't what it used to be.. It's still a good place to find genetics and meet people.. Seems everyone on this site stays anonymous! I've met lots of people from the 3MA and have built strong relationships with a few..... But I also don't go there as much as I did!
Unfortunately trading genetics would now not fit into their "Unambiguous Compliance Policy". That type of activity is sticktly prohibited now. Ppl will be shot if they discuss trading or donating medicine as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm locked down because I don't want solicitations.
I have a brain too you know.:bigjoint:

I find it interesting that 3 ma is still open for whatever it is they do.
The entire organization is a joke that doesn't speak for or with any patients and caregivers I know.

Whatever it is they do they fail at and so it doesn't matter to me what they try.
Even when there is breaking news about mm in Michigan they generally got nothing worth looking at.
E equals MCsquared said doing the same experiment over and over expecting a different outcome is crazy.

Besides: I got way better genetics than that entire group and don't want anything they got.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
from the outside looking in it seems they have designed a nice "box" that they would like us all to get in....it has compassion club on the label and I believe these clubs will probably become the new provision centers that we keep hearing about....but that is what it smells like
and yes they don't allow any dissension or discussion about their unambiguous compliance policy....sounds like they are workings for the Legs and Leo....something they would say...unambiguous compliance.....strait from the Legs and Leo
but I believe as a group we need to focus on the medical use language in the law....that is where all the P-to-P stuff is being misconstrued...and they are trying to quell any p-p rights so it can be vetted thru these CCs....with their CG and clubz holding all the rights JMO


Well-Known Member
I'm begging you not to lead a mob and inspire violence against such establishments should they destroy your rights.
Everything they do they do for you and your money.

If you are going to be an ungrateful sicko who just wants people to do the right thing...
Stop causing trouble and send them a check before it's too late.
I still fail to understand why patients would need the 3ma anyway, or any other organization? Especially one that caters to the southern portion of the state..my .02

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
I'm begging you not to lead a mob and inspire violence against such establishments should they destroy your rights.
Everything they do they do for you and your money.

If you are going to be an ungrateful sicko who just wants people to do the right thing...
Stop causing trouble and send them a check before it's too late.

you my phat friend are too too funny! LOL...LMAO

you must be a carpenter cause you hit that nail square on the head!!
and FYI I just freakin love cheese--
and I am grateful to beings like you that have such a huge grasp on thingz and a sense of truthful humor!

shit truth never hurt anyone---it's the lies that are dangerous!
and the truth can be very funny sometimes---extremely with a sad undertone! and a pinch of irony--

and I only join groups that can see the sickos for who we are--
im writing my check now......yeah it's in the mail....no it won't bounce--

peace and to the stoned out humor I enjoy here! Big Up!


Well-Known Member
Hot as hell day to day, so what better to do than set inside, stay cool, and get some education on!

In imitation (it is the sincerest form of flattery after all) to the 3MA's newest policy of "Unambiguous Compliance", I thought it only right to bring you my newest Policy of "Honest Definitions of the Words We Use", to help enlighten you to the many definitions the words we use actually hold, and the VAST difference one word can have, when it is applied to the context of the situation in which it was attached, given which definition is used.

I like words. Especially when you dig into them and find out the True Definitions. We, as a English speaking society have been Confused (purposely of course) with the words we utilize in our language in our daily lives... You may ask "Why would it matter if the words used are confusing?"

Well, What if these same confusing words, are purposely used in our Laws, Or in the Statements Made by those in Power. Hmm got your interest now?

I hope so. The English language can be a very strict means of communication, or it can be absolutely atrocious, and barely be summed up to be fathomable, let alone an understood idealogy, thought, or rational.

I have been digging into the words we use on a daily basis, and have been looking into the real Definitions in that process. if you do not understand every definition a word could result in meaning, then you can be Easily Confused on the words being used, especially in a Legal sense, and just as importantly, in a movement or group of people that are standing up for their Civil Rights, Freedoms and Liberties.

I hope everyone will take a few hours a week, and set down with a Websters Dictionary, and a Black's Legal Law Dictionary, and start to truly, and fully understand ALL of the meanings our English words can be defined as. I Promise, you will be quite amazed, and really start to understand way more than you thought possible...

I am going to start with a newer Policy from what once was quite a good MI cannbis Site, (not that it didn't need improving, but it wend down hill instead of up so....) and their Policy of "Unambiguous Compliance", heralded as the next best thing since sliced white bread.

So then, let us see what this lovely phrase is defined as per my two favorite definition sources.
"Unambiguous Compliance"

First we need to determine the position of each word. Unambiguous equates to a Adjective, or a word used to describe, detail, or lend suggestion to further define.
Compliance is the Noun. or the word of Action in the Sentence.
So Compliance is the key word, and Ambiguous is a word used to further detail or describe the noun Compliance.

So "Compliance", what is it.

Per Websters, it is defined as:
Noun 1. compliance - acting according to certain accepted standards
Synonyms: abidance, conformity, conformation
disobedience, noncompliance - the failure to obey
2. compliance - happy friendly agreement
3. compliance - a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
Synonyms: complaisance, compliancy, obligingness, deference
4. compliance - the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another
Synonyms: submission
Related Words
OK, Quakerism, acceptance, accession, accommodatingness, accommodation, accord, accordance, acquiescence, acquittal, acquittance, adaptation, adaption, adherence, adjustment, affability, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agreeability, agreeableness, agreement, agreement in principle, alacrity, allegiance, amenability, amiability, approbation, approval, ardor, assent, assentation, aye, benevolence, benignity, blessing, care, carrying out, cheerful consent, complaisance, concurrence, conformance, conformation other-direction, conformity, congruity, connivance, consent, consistency, conventionality, cooperativeness, correspondence, decency, deference, discharge, docility, duteousness, dutifulness, eagerness, endorsement, enthusiasm, execution, faith, favorable disposition, favorableness, fealty, flexibility, forwardness, fulfillment, gameness, general agreement, generousness, goodwill, graciosity, graciousness, harmony, hearty assent, heed, heeding, homage, humbleness, humility, keeping, kindliness, kindness, kneeling, line, loyalty, malleability, meekness, nonopposal, nonopposition, nonresistance, nonviolent resistance, obedience, obediency, obeisance, obligingness, observance, observation, okay, orthodoxy, passive resistance, passiveness, passivity, performance, permission, pliability, pliancy, practice, promptitude, promptness, quietism, ratification, readiness, receptive mood, receptiveness, receptivity, reconcilement, reconciliation, resignation, resignedness, respect, responsiveness, right mood, sanction, satisfaction, service, servility, servitium, strictness, subjection, submission, submissiveness, submittal, suit and service, suit service, supineness, support, tractability, traditionalism, uncomplainingness, ungrudgingness, uniformity, unloathness, unreluctance, warm assent, welcome, willing ear, willing heart, willingness, yielding, zeal, zealousness"

Wiki states:
n general, compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law.

Hmm, on the surface then, the word Compliance generally says "Ya I am Ok with that happening and hold no ill will towards it." to the general person.

BUT, as we take a deeper, more understanding look at definition numbers 1, Especially 3, and 4, one is left actually wondering is this a good thing or a bad thing, this word "Compliance".

In reality, the word Compliance really means "You MUST SUBMIT, or OBEY", and in general, does not concern itself (or those that utilize this word) with your will to want to comply, you simply must do it, regardless of your own stance on the matter, issue, or law that the word compliance has been attached to.

So in the long run, it is Extremely Important to what Matter, Intention, Issue, Action, or Law, ect....that the word Compliance is being attached to, as to whether it is a good or a bad thing.

Examples; a good form of Compliance, "Thou Shalt Not Kill", and you do not kill, this equates to Good Compliance.

A bad form of Compliance, "Thou Shalt Follow others off the cliff to your doom.", This equates to BAD compliance.

I believe even a pig with the intelligence of a 3yr old can understand the difference.

Now lets dig into this very interesting Adjective "Ambiguous".

Per Websters 1913, Unambiguous is defined as:

Adj. 1. unambiguous - having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning; "As a horror, apartheid...is absolutely unambiguous"- Mario Vargas Llosa
ambiguous - having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy"
2. unambiguous - admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion; "unequivocal evidence"; "took an unequivocal position"; "an unequivocal success"; "an unequivocal promise"; "an unequivocal (or univocal) statement"
Synonyms: unequivocal, univocal"

One could also say "Unequivocal Obedience", in defining the words "Unambiguous Compliance".

Wiki states:

un- +‎ ambiguous
unambiguous (comparative more unambiguous, superlative most unambiguous)
clear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity"

So, in short definition, Unambiguous equates to, Not Vague, known, or for Certain if you will...

So, lets see how else the phrase "Unambiguous Compliance" could also be Really Understood, by the way the 3MA is toting it as their "AGENDA" for 2012.

Instead of Unambiguous Compliance (this just has such a nice "Ring" to it though)
1. "Certain to yield to the will of others."
2. "Known for surrendering power to another."
3. "Not vague abidance". , or
4. "Not Vauge Submission."

So, when we look at the Latest Agenda of the new MichiganMedicalMarijuana organization, and the Words of Wisdom from its Illustrious New Leaders, you are basically being told to:

Set Down and Shut up and Universally Accept the fact you are dumb, Legislation, Bill Schuette, and the CoA are far more intelligent than you, and well, have more power than you do, so you have to take what they deem ok for you....

I am not sure about anyone else, but The 3MA has certainly did something I though was REALLY IMPOSSIBLE. GET LOWER THAN JOE CAIN COULD.

Just thought a post on what the 3MA and CPU are telling you all to do with their "UNAMBIGUOUS COMPLIANCE" message they are attempting to get their members to follow along with.

I'll leave it up to you to decide if "Non Vague, Certain Surrendering of your Power is what you want to do, but I know it is not what I am wiling to do.

In Conclusion, I have to add, I am actually quite miffed over the fact the Mi Medical Marijuana website, which had at one time been fully for the Rights and the Law, We Citizens Passed, has morphed into even a deeper level of filth, intent on enticing you give up your Rights to have your VOTE Count.

They are only trying to Confuse you with this foolish "Unambiguous Compliance" policy of Word Confusion, into allowing Legislature and those like Bill Schuette and Jessica Cooper and CoA Justice, Peter D. O'Connell (Up for re election in 2012, and needs to be REMOVED!) to take away the rights granted by the 2008 MMM Act, and hand it over to the likes of CPU, the Dispensary Organizations like M.A.C.C., and other out of state interests, or even out of country interests like the Canadian company using the Mines in the UP as Industrial Grow Ops.

I used to stand with the 3MA, but when they turned their backs on the Patients, Caregivers, and Citizens of the State of Michigan, then I had to not only turn my back against them, but as my Civil Duty, I felt I must inform you of the Attempted Theft of your Act, your Law, and your Rights as granted to you by the People of the State of Michigan.

Words. what a Rush!


Well-Known Member
To late in the day for all those words you got rounded up. Any way of posting a 1 or 2 sentence summary?


Well-Known Member
Thank you Marty. I would of said, they lie to you so you will lay down and enjoy the taint rubbing with the wire wheel and electric drill.
ofcourse cleansed with kerosene afterwards.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
"I get no respect. The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest".
-Rodney Dangerfield

Damn Timmah, sounds like you're gonna need more than a band-aid to sew up that wound.
Interesting imagery.. what's your favorite torture movie.. marathon man?


Well-Known Member
not really into torture movies, but for a look on the dark side, watching congress live does the job.


Well-Known Member
"I get no respect. The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest".
-Rodney Dangerfield

Damn Timmah, sounds like you're gonna need more than a band-aid to sew up that wound.
Interesting imagery.. what's your favorite torture movie.. marathon man?

its more of promise fulfillment. I made a promise if the site went to hell, and it was caused by the coming in powers, I made a heartfelt promise they would no longer like me.
Just living up to my word Abe.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
shit I got nuked out of here twice!

and I had written a half hour reply to timmah...!!...??....

you only confirmed my suspicions throughout the whole movie though and I had written a nice lengthy diatribe to your post

basically I said that you must know the steak holders? what they look like? they must be scary looking I imagine!...lol
i think their fighting over a hot dog though!

but it isn't funy that a small group has tried to hijack the law and they have a lot of $$involved in this and will stop at nothing or destroying anyone that gets in their way!

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
be careful of the power of words though---

words have the power of life and death---the tongue is the smallest member

when you take letters and put them together you spell a word or cast a spell....when you take the words and put them together you make a sentence....be careful what you spell as that is your sentence!

and words have vibrations and we being human are 90% liquid...do you understand how vibrations affect liquid?

you are right also they have been confusing people with words for along time..."especially English ...many words can mean the same thing in English....in other languages one word can mean many things....the way you express it

it was obvious to some of us that we're there from the merger that the words didn't add up

theyre pushing CCs there with vetted caregivers through there format and then vetting patients thru that....not hard to understand what they are trying to do....it's what they don't say that speaks loudest

some of us have been reading between the lines there for awhile

i think the medical use clause within the act is the next front that will be addressed...it addresses most of the patient issues...transfers and such.......and the SC will rule on this by nov....

that blu guy might not have been that far off I take it from his contention


Well-Known Member
Don't you wish you could roll up a few fat ass joints, put some coffee on and fight with Bob.

Absoluty on 1 and 2, and already done. lol on the 3rd part...
na, way to much time is wasted on idiots with idiotic closed minds already. I would much rather discuss with you all, and expand our understanding and education of the matters at hand, then have to continually show a dumbass why he is a dumbass, though it had its fun moments. lol

Open dialog and honest discussion like we have now is the best part.


Well-Known Member
shit I got nuked out of here twice!

and I had written a half hour reply to timmah...!!...??....

you only confirmed my suspicions throughout the whole movie though and I had written a nice lengthy diatribe to your post

basically I said that you must know the steak holders? what they look like? they must be scary looking I imagine!...lol
i think their fighting over a hot dog though!

but it isn't funy that a small group has tried to hijack the law and they have a lot of $$involved in this and will stop at nothing or destroying anyone that gets in their way!

which is why my sig rings so true with my position!