Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Well, it may have actually happened. But, it is not proven. That's why it's still a theory. Scientists still have no way of explaining atoms appearing out of thin air.
They can't explain where the energy came from but it's not a theory anymore. It's literally just the big bang. No more theory. It happened. XD

When the big bang was a theory it didn't explain where the energy came from, just that it was there and exploded to form the universe. Now it's scientifically proven that this happened.


Well-Known Member
Who made,who made the big bang and who were his/her parents and who made them?
Just on a side note the universe and life itself is impossible so in all reality we may not even be here.


Active Member
and yeah it is a theory- the big bang
which also sounds like a load of horse shit to me.
cause where did that small bit of matter come from to start with?
how did the material that they say exploded get there?
and since when does something grow after being blown up. last time i checked when you blow something up it breaks into millions of smaller pieces, not billions of much much much larger ones.


Well-Known Member
of course I believe in god, I hang out with him every weekend

big bang... hm. how indeed, and howcome everytime we smash or blow up atooms we dont creat new universes? or blow up or own?


Well-Known Member
Spending your time trying to figure out how it all started is a waste. Unless you're a scientist with the necessary knowledge to investigate the next piece of the puzzle.

There is no reason why you would have to believe in the big bang (not that I'm disproving it, I haven't read enough about it yet, nor care to) if you don't believe in God.

All I know for certain is that religion is utter horseshit that has done way more harm than good to this world. How it all started, I don't know. But I guarantee you Jesus didn't know what the fuck DNA was, and he'd be laughed at today.

Give science time and everything is broken down into simple logic. One logical sequence after another. Don't waste your time trying to understand it now, you'll just seem stupid.


Well-Known Member
who made who. the chicken and egg.theory.
i believe that we all evolved in a big soup, and grew on from there.
gods were made for us to belive in somthing. suposed, to be good. so we all walk the line, or else, hell.not heaven.
im catholic, and i dont understand. if theres a hell.
how come everytime, we do anything wrong, in gods eyes,
we get ,not punishment/hell. with 10 hail marys.
i dont understand.
will someone tell me.


Active Member
Well, while it may seem like "If I am wrong, well nothing" to you but to me it seems like a big deal to me to go through your entire life as a fool believing in something ridiculous. How much of the bible do you have to ignore because of its inappropriateness before you realize its all false? How many different religions do you have to see before you realize its human nature that brought them about in troubleing times. How many hours would you have wasted at a church, or even thinking about your faith, that you could have better spent living up life?

I wouldn't care if the entire world believed in a higher power, so long as they don't create any ridiculous religions claiming to know what's going on. It's religions that are corrupt, and have caused a great deal of suffering in our history. Take a look at 9/11.

Oh, and one last thing. If you honestly believe in all the heaven/hell crap, and don't think 99% of the population would be condemned to hell based on sinning. You're seriously delusional.
Amen LiveHigh


Well-Known Member
who made who. the chicken and egg.theory.
i believe that we all evolved in a big soup, and grew on from there.
gods were made for us to belive in somthing. suposed, to be good. so we all walk the line, or else, hell.not heaven.
im catholic, and i dont understand. if theres a hell.
how come everytime, we do anything wrong, in gods eyes,
we get ,not punishment/hell. with 10 hail marys.
i dont understand.
will someone tell me.
If you read some of my earlier posts you would know I think the Catholic church is evil. It is their job to lead you away from God. Read the bible, do what it says to do, not the Catholic church. Hail marys are a sin. "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." -Matthew 6:7


Well-Known Member
whats vein and repetitive in the hail mary prayer?
:confused: I don't even know how it goes. All I know is that the Bible implicitly states that when you pray, you should talk to God from your heart, not repeat some stupid sayings you heard. I don't know if it's repetitive but it's definitely vein. Maybe I was thinking of rosarys as being repetitive.
It also states in the bible that praying to saints and mother Mary is a sin.


Active Member
and why should the world live by the rules of matthew. the bible was written by humans.
not "god"
its not "gods" word its matthews. i dont give a fuck about how matthew wants everyone to live there lives. live you life your own way. you dont need to listen to a bunch of thousands year old dead people.


New Member
in very early times, when the first humans were becoming social and civilized, some of the craftiest among them realized early on that people could be minipulated. everyone has a talent, you know. some people are born leaders and polititions.

it was these men that usurped man's natural inclination to wonder and speculate on the unknown and supernatural. and they exploited it with an organized religion that taught men the virtues of conformity and reliance on belief systems for savior.

everything in this universe evolves. and those belief systems which were better able to adapt survived and were more popular. We still have many today. Christianity was great spin on the old Sun worshiping religions. And it has lasted 2,000 in this form.

The control over humans is the reason religion was seized upon and implimented by the ruling elite of almost every nation of history, barring a few recent ones. And there are still myths that the original 12 families of those early manipulating rulers of humans still exist and operate behind the scenes in positions of power over men. why not? they were, of old, the richest, most powerful men alive. when they live and then die, their money, power, influence and knowledge is passed on to their heirs.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you all read the links I posted instead of debunking the big bang theory without even giving evidence as to why it didn't happen.

I'll tell you how we know it happened in basic terms:

The universe we now know through scientific evidence states that our universe is consistently expanding in all directions. Think of it like a balloon (except it never pops). It's continuously expanding which means it had to have started out really small in order to have expanded to its size right now. Think about it, since the universe is constantly expanding, a few moments ago it was smaller than it is now. Keep taking that back and back and back and it will have had to have been the size of, well, the point of a pencil or even smaller. We know the big bang happened, it just might now be how it's described in the theory. But we know it actually happened... If you still don't believe it then you're basically denying reality and scientific evidence...