Who can help me...who will help me?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i am starting a newgrow. (2) white satin, (1) Feminized MediBud, (2) BB x NL. I havent done jack yet, what i do know is that there are alot of great growers on this forum and I want to show everyone that thinks this is rocket science, that if you listen and pay attention, you can get help with what you've got. So, that being said I have some relatively cheap(Less than $15per, except for lights) organic ferts. First I have Foxfarms peace of mind Tomato and Veg 7-4-5 which has 1.5% Humic acid, Ca - 5.25%, Mg - Water Soluble .79%, obivously 7%N, 4%P, 5%K...Newbs. Peruvian Seabird Guano;High Nitrogen 10-10-2 , Foxfarms Marine Cuisine which is a 10-7-7, containing many Micros like S - 5.80%, Cu (copper) - .05%, Fe(Iron) - 1.00%, Mn(manganese) - .05%, Zn(Zinc) - .12% Made from Cottonseed meal, Blood meal, earthworm castings, Fish Meal, Shrimp Meal, Crab Meal, Bat Guano, Seabird Guano, Kelp Meal, Urea Ammonium Sulfate, Trip Superphosphate, Etc. I also have field of greens Green up solutions with Sea Kelp. To be used as a foliar spray to increase shoots and for cuttings. 3.1%N, .05% phosphoric acid, .03% soluble potash with other minerals, vitamins and hormones.

Continuing, I have a 1000 W convertable MH,HPS ballast - $245.something
Before you guys start asking what about flowering, you have to crawl before you can walk. What i am hoping all the great growers out there will do is look at my Materials and walk through a succesfull grow. I will post pics when my digi has new batteries, but for now i am looking for great ideas and conversation on how to make this a great grow. I am open to all ideas because i want this to be a RIU grow. My favorite soil method is making a concentrated tea of these fertilizers and water with a verm/perlit media. However i have grown in MG, foxfarm soils and every other type of soil.... I WANT YOUR EXPERIENCES! Also for flowering i will be adding another 400 W HPS. My tea was made with 2 tablsepoons of Seabird bat guano and 1 cup of Marine Cuisine.

Only seedlings so far are the White Satin. BB x NL and Medibud are still waiting to pop. I will not begin fertilizing for some time however after percolating my dry mix through i have a strong concentrate. I have not even measured its strength yet seeing as how i have let the percked grains sit in a tied coffee filter soaking until i am ready so i believe it will be very strong allowing for minimal need for more fertilizers for a few weeks of veg.

Help me have a great grow.


What soil should i use?

How often should i feed once i have determined concentrated level and proportioned it to a feeding amt.?

How long till my seedling can get its first feed?

How hot is too hot in my grow room?

Add your own ?'s


New Member
I see you are in need. I will help you as soon as I can actually read what you are saying. It will probably be tomorrow.


Active Member
if at all possible find a old barn yard and see if you can get some dirt there.The older the better this should have all the nuits you need.Remember its a weed.


Well-Known Member
I havent done jack yet, what i do know is that there are alot of great growers on this forum and I want to show everyone that thinks this is rocket science
Lol, so you want to show everyone that has a problem here that it really isn't hard and they should just straighten up and fly right and grow some proper weed? Am I reading that right?


Well-Known Member
What i am saying is ive read all the standard ed rosenthal, jorge cervantes books alot online and here and i have to say nothing has helped me learn as much as just growing something. I was able to grow a few times so far, with success, and dont think i really comprehend everything you can do to make really great bud. It was so simple(if you just KISS) but it hasnt been amazing. What i am now striving for is quality bud.


Well-Known Member
Ok math buffs. I wanted to keep this simple so these are the conversion factors i used when making my tea and determining strengths and feeding amounts. I percolated 1 cup of FF's Marine Cuisine w/ 2 Tablespoons of Seabird Guano. What i ended up with after percolating 60 cups(3.75 gals) of concentrated tea mix. I used 1 teaspoon = 5 mL and 200 mL = 1 cup, 4.2267 cups = 1 litre, 3.785L = 1 gal. I took 100 mL concentrate and diluted it with 1500 mL distilled water to get a stable 1100 PPM solution. That equaled out to be (amazingly) exactly 8 cups or 1.89 L or 1/2 gal exactly. so you could look at it like this a weak solution of 550PPM would be the same amt of concentrate 100ml just with double the amt of water, not 1500 but 3000 ml or just under a gal (3.54gals). What i can now do is use the left over grains as a mulch in the soil and save tons more of my fertilizer over time and make a much more soluble feed.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem doing some work and answering my own questions, i am looking for others experiences and technical expertise to help make a great grow...no dicks allowed in this thread or i will tear off what you call your face and use it like a bowling ball.


Well-Known Member
I am genuinely asking for help though. I do not want to come off as a dick but I would like proven methods that people would like to share with their fellow growers.


Well-Known Member
In keeping with your KISS theme and given that you are set with the nutes, I would get some Pro-Mix at Home Depot. Cheap and ready to use.

I wait for four nodes to start my ferts and then I feed every other watering.


Well-Known Member
If i only have a week or two of flowering left, and my seeds just popped and already 2 inches high, can i turn my light back to 18-6 and start to veg the seedlings without really upsetting the flowering one...or should i just take it out after 12 hours?


Well-Known Member
Yes. There is a point of diminishing returns though. Some people claim it is immediate, thus the straight to 12/12, while others claim a much longer time period. All things being equal, that is you have no time constraints, etc then I go by height. I go 12/12 when my plants reach 1/3 of my total height. If I have three feet of usable height for them to grow I switch to 12/12 at one foot. If you have unlimited height? I don't know the answer.


Well-Known Member
If i only have a week or two of flowering left, and my seeds just popped and already 2 inches high, can i turn my light back to 18-6 and start to veg the seedlings without really upsetting the flowering one...or should i just take it out after 12 hours?
I don't know. My guess is that re-vegging a plant isn't that simple.


Well-Known Member
Ok so my BB x NL have popped both of them, and my medi bud is still awaiting. I have 2 nice White Satins about 3 inches now. I will post pics of more white satin bud seeing as how today i harvested 1 Hasberry, 1 White Satin, and 1 MediBud to follow will be 1 Thai Stick which is taking forever. If you wonder how i ended up with 1 of each, i actually only germed 2 of each strain and 1 of each turned male and 1 of each turned female.

My next question is, good ways to keep plant stresses to a minimum...whether it be enviro, temp, nutes, w.e...tell me what works for you


Well-Known Member
Picasso i dont want to reveg, what i have heard is that after so many weeks of flowering that changing the photoperiod while there are still buds on it shouldnt revert it back to veg...from what i have read. It reaches a point of no return where it start to mature, regardless of light, i am on day 62 of 63-77 the breeder says.