Who Cares About Ed Rosenthal?

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Well-Known Member
if i ask the people i know about ed rosenathal they would just laugh in my face . people with more experience then him dont need 2 be on this site let alone publisized. thats why we are talking shit. he deserves some respect 4 put n his shit out 4 every one. but thats his problem . why would some one want 2 give away all thier experience. every body has thier own ways of doing things. so his way isnt the correct way . ,my point thier is no correct way its weed, thiers better ways and thiers shitty ways. so why dont u teach your self the better way witch is your way, one day u all will learn that u have 2 rely on yourself. and if u dont like my write dont read it skip it and move on. thank u


Well-Known Member
if i ask the people i know about ed rosenathal they would just laugh in my face . people with more experience then him dont need 2 be on this site let alone publisized. thats why we are talking shit. he deserves some respect 4 put n his shit out 4 every one. but thats his problem . why would some one want 2 give away all thier experience. every body has thier own ways of doing things. so his way isnt the correct way . ,my point thier is no correct way its weed, thiers better ways and thiers shitty ways. so why dont u teach your self the better way witch is your way, one day u all will learn that u have 2 rely on yourself. and if u dont like my write dont read it skip it and move on. thank u
What does them laughing in your face have to do with anything? People are afraid of what they don't understand. Sometimes they don't want to understand. These sound like the same guys that get butt hurt when I show up with bud that's better than anything they have ever grown in 30 years. Honestly, most of those older guys do the same or similar things. Where as "adjusting your PH" to you would be " just add some red clay" to them. Some of them are more than happy to evolve with the times, and learn more about it. Others are closed minded because apparently they already know it all. Ignorance is bliss


Well-Known Member
and the problem is some non growers should be non growers because they just start growing thats shitty and then they try 2 sell it 2 every one growing weed for your self is great! its a learning process, but its like have u ever bought a expensive sack of a good strain and it wasent good at all? ive smoked shitty weed and whos ever growing thier weed like some of the kinds i c that are supossiblly medicanlly and expensive like the best and i felt no high what so ever. why would i wana smoke some one elses weed let alone buy it if its so shitty it dont even have any medicinally effect? its basically a substitue 2 get u by cuze ur medicine isnt as good as it should be it just looks good . i would say it has presentabillity but i like my weed sticky and ripe. like i always say if u want something done right u have 2 do it your self....... i dont need 2 make a book i have all my knoledge cramed in my head from learning from experiences and reading up some knoldege 2 start off. haha and the hard part was u makeing it hard 2 begin with its a weed and grow like alll other plants. people think growing weed is so hard untill they actually do it but if it was why would it be callled weed weeds grow every where natrally if u threw out hand fulls of pot seeds they would all sprout in the spring natrally and bloom and pollinate just like a feild of weeds. it will stay small and bloom immedially do 2 no water. its that we maximize the plant with water ing and root space and oxygen.


Well-Known Member
haha and i dont think its the same. adjusting the ph 4 me is nothing. 2 them they dont even deal with ph its al about ur water source and ur dirt. also strain. its also about knowing how the plant grows.its not that thier close minded its that they know thier shit and they got it down and they have better shit 2 deal with its called a life. its so easy they laugh at how people make it so complicated. like i said have u ever seen a 2 lbs. top bud? i dout thier of the kind u talk of have u ever even seen a 7 lb plant. imagine that for gorilla status haha i dont wana arge like i said this threads basically retarded


Well-Known Member
haha and i dont think its the same. adjusting the ph 4 me is nothing. 2 them they dont even deal with ph its al about ur water source and ur dirt. also strain. its also about knowing how the plant grows.its not that thier close minded its that they know thier shit and they got it down and they have better shit 2 deal with its called a life. its so easy they laugh at how people make it so complicated. like i said have u ever seen a 2 lbs. top bud? i dout thier of the kind u talk of have u ever even seen a 7 lb plant. imagine that for gorilla status haha i dont wana arge like i said this threads basically retarded
I seriously have my doubts about you seeing a plant that yielded 7 lbs dry. There aren't that many strains that yield like that. I've heard of plants yeilding a couple of kilos dry. I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, but I honestly don't believe you, or the people who told you.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Dumb thread.
Weather you like him or not Mr. Rosenthal has done a lot for the marijuana growing comunity. I've never read anything of his so I can't say if his information would help me or not. He has a strain of cannabis named after him and offered by one of the big names in seeds (sensi) so he must have done something right. How many people have a strain of marijuana named after them? Jack Herrer, Willy Nelson, Ed Rosenthal. Not too many more.


Well-Known Member
Just proving a point. Why even start with wikipedia, when you can learn to do your own research? Personally, I think twice before even looking at it, much less believing it, which is another struggle altogether.
You don't like wikipedia? A non-profit company that employs over 100 employees to dedicate their lives to researching everything for the greater good of the public. Why spend the extra time on researching things for yourself when someone already did?


Well-Known Member
haha btw with the 7 lb plant be nice 2 start it in a 10x10 hole. also want like 6 foot indoor clones, ive heard of ssh and mk getting about that size


Well-Known Member
u want one plant per hole and start around may when the frezing is done. marijuana(weed) can grow roots in every direction. the roots will follow the water. u water the 10 ft area, the roots will spread that 10 ft area.


Well-Known Member
marijuana is a weed u dumb shit and yes it does grow like a weed have u ever grown a weed? look next 2 creeks and u will see big weeeds and in the dry grass u will c small weeds so go 2 hell.:mrgreen: and who ever said 7 lbs not likely needs 2 do a little research if u know what your doing its easy have u seen that 10 lb plant?? just takes 10 times the amount of work how about 16 footers? they get bigger then that tell me it dont grow like a weed .:blsmoke:
Marijuana is most commonly smoked in it's herbal form (e.g. Bud). You might wanna backtrack and do some research before you start the name calling. Where did you read that it was a weed?


Well-Known Member
I must solve this dispute which has arisen in my own thread... a "herb" is various parts of a plant which is considered either for culinary, medicinal, or spiritual purposes. A "weed" is a plant that reproduces and grows aggressively.

Foxcompany is correct to say it is an "herb", because to him it is medicinal and perhaps spiritual... and has probably made some food with it at times as well. Reefermaster is also correct because i'm sure he consumes it only for pleasure, and not for medicinal or spiritual purposes or for use in cooking... or am I incorrect Reefermaster and marijuana is indeed a "herb" which you use either spiritually, medicinally, or in cooking?

Reefercompany is correct to say it is a "weed", because to him it is a plant that is very easy to grow. Foxcompany is correct because he has difficulty making his marijuana grow aggressively... or am I incorrect Foxcompany, and your marijuana does grow aggressively?

It is both and neither at the same time.

So you see, you are both wrong and both right... and neither of you are wrong and neither of you are right. So stop comparing your rubber to his tires or his lettuce to your salad and just agree to eachother.


Well-Known Member
I must solve this dispute which has arisen in my own thread... a "herb" is various parts of a plant which is considered either for culinary, medicinal, or spiritual purposes. A "weed" is a plant that reproduces and grows aggressively.

Foxcompany is correct to say it is an "herb", because to him it is medicinal and perhaps spiritual... and has probably made some food with it at times as well. Reefermaster is also correct because i'm sure he consumes it only for pleasure, and not for medicinal or spiritual purposes or for use in cooking... or am I incorrect Reefermaster and marijuana is indeed a "herb" which you use either spiritually, medicinally, or in cooking?

Reefercompany is correct to say it is a "weed", because to him it is a plant that is very easy to grow. Foxcompany is correct because he has difficulty making his marijuana grow aggressively... or am I incorrect Foxcompany, and your marijuana does grow aggressively?

It is both and neither at the same time.

So you see, you are both wrong and both right... and neither of you are wrong and neither of you are right. So stop comparing your rubber to his tires or his lettuce to your salad and just agree to eachother.
It's not a matter of perspective. It's an herb. It may grow "like" a weed, but it's an herb.


Well-Known Member
comparing some forum grower to Mr. Rosenthal is like comparing Porn Hub to Larry Flynt. If it wasn't for the OG's that put themselves out there with a big fucking bullseye on their forehead, nothing that came after would even be possible.

And lol to the guy that's acting like anyone in this thread is going overboard in some blind defense of Ed Rosenthal. The only one that called him the Jesus of pot was you in accusing others of doing it.

Can you give one example of someone doing this or are you just completely talking out of your ass?
Amen to that.


Well-Known Member
it was a weed then and its a weed now i use it medicinally or so called religiously. i belive in that it was put here by god for the greater good. its the natraulist medicine. now that we have perfected the cannibus weed plant we now call marijuana
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