Who Cut the Cheese ?


Well-Known Member
Yes it was an awful sound indeed. I felt like I was ripping off their fingernails or something. It was a horrorifying ordeal. I call my therapist this morning and had him clear his schedule.

I placed three stakes on the outer edge inside the pot and brought them together at the top to form a teepee. I wouldn't place a stake close to the stem.
Yeah next time i transplant im planing on putting those tomato racks in the ones that start small rings on the bottom then get bigger towards the top seen someone use them in their grow only thing im worried about is they are metal and them getting hot but i keep a fan level with my light so i can get it real close to plants so should be good


Active Member
Well we are still having mold problems. I have increased the circulating when they are awake by adding a large floor fan but when they go to sleep their is no room for the large fan so it is back to the small one. I have increased the dosage of the serenade and shortened the time inbetween applications. I am still seeing little patches on some of the buds but not all of them. I should of never tried to grow 8 large plants in a 4x5 closet.

With only about 3 weeks to harvest I have convinced the girlfriend that the plants need to come out of the closet into the main part of the spare bedroom. That will increase the circulation. I hope I can get a handle on this before harvest for I'm pretty sure that if i see visable evidence of mold at harvest that the mold problem will only increase during the drying and curing phase. I would hate to reduce this harvest to a plum size ball of hash!

I will take some pics tonight when I yank them out of the closet and give them yet another serenade bath. I used to spray them down just before the lights went off thinking the bright light might kill the active culture in the serenade. Now I spray them down when the lights go on so as to evaporate excess water. My RH is running in the mid to high 30's and the temps stay between 77-82. Several weeks ago I bought a sulfer base fungacide spray but I did not use it because I did not want it to taint the taste of the smoke. Comments are welcome.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
your plants look amazing.

the thing about mold..... people don"t understand that the spores are invisible. they are everywhere. you just cant see them. when they multiply, there is so much, that it becomes visible. cross your fingers this round. provide an environment for flowering marijuana and not mold. marijuana in flower needs humidity below 50%, no more. mold likes to live in anything above that. move your air, and watch your watering. don't give em anymore than they need.:joint:
man, just get a de-humidifier. http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5/R-100661957/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053


Active Member
Yea I would get one but with 3 weeks left it does not make much sense. The Ol Lady has shut me down so this will be the last grow here at the house. Even though I am within Ca state guidelines she feels very uncomfortable about it. :( But got to keep mom happy for if mom ain't happy...noone is happy ! ;)


Active Member
Except for a slight mold problem the girls are doing great. Some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. (the begining of the end of the life cycle)
Their are lots of crystals and you will see a small spot of mold here and their but most of what you are seeing are crystals.


captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
The Ol Lady has shut me down so this will be the last grow here at the house. Even though I am within Ca state guidelines she feels very uncomfortable about it. :( But got to keep mom happy for if mom ain't happy...noone is happy ! ;)
how true......

a very nice last run, freeleaf.:bigjoint:


Active Member
hey, Sorry it took so long to update.
Well we got 16.75 oz's of some very nice smoke.
Thanks for all your help guys
Till we grow again !



Well-Known Member
lol hey bro forgot all about this thread you havent posted any updates since january grats one the L bow!