WHO do YOU smoke for?


Well-Known Member
please let this just be the old man in me.. but how do you smoke for someone else?

eta reread some posts..

why would you smoke for someone else..


Well-Known Member
I guess it's like pour one out for my homies or something..

well gonna go light this bad boy for all my past joints I've smoked..
lol I edited the post above pic is dif..


Well-Known Member
If you dedicate your smoking to anyone.

Who? family. friends. famous icons that had an effect on you. dont matter

for me

pimp c. DBD (if you know who that is), and bob marley (of course) \

anyone else got anyone.

( i figured "and one for my homies" should apply to budz too, not just a shot on the concrete for the bugs)


Get at it

what the fuck are you talking about? :eyesmoke:

like fairy.gif

EDIT: i forgot to add Tink


Well-Known Member
i smoke for Christ, otherwise i would tear apart my life looking for things to do, when the thing to do is sit and be patient.