who goes to collage?


Well-Known Member
pilot classes was the only thing that realy interested me.....fuck
i was thinking of criminal justice, but i realy dont wanna be a lawyer or a cop(dirty of course)lol
can you be anything else after taking criminal justice?
i might take engineering but im not sure
3 careers with totally different personality types required. i switched from engineering to accounting but they both require similar left-brain talents.

I don't know if there will be a lot of jobs available in aviation. Be careful about getting pidgeonholed into a no-growth industry.

Criminal justice...besides being a cop/lawyer you can also be unemployed. and really if you want to go to law school i would recommend majoring in poli sci or econ.

engineering is a great path, lots of options, lots of jobs, generally in demand now, good pay. you have to take match and science classes at the highest levels the school will offer. the math is what tripped me up. but if you can handle those subjects then this might be a good way to go.