Who grows the Best Canada or USA?

I live close to the border of USA in Canada( near buffalo). I have a few friends from Buffalo who regularly come here, they have told me our pot is better than theirs, and that it is a hell of a lot cheaper, sometimes they even get the same weed we do, but about 3 weeks after. It seems that Cali weed is much better than the stuff the more northern states are getting, and better than a lot of Canadian weed, But i still think that we have the best probably because the marijuana laws in Canada are not really enforced, well at least where i am from.
I think every counrty can grow good weed...just depends on the strain and the grower.

But up here in Canada we are ALOT cheaper for the same good shit.
U.S. pot is better just look at seed gentics used in most breeding lines. There are way more west coast strains in their backgrounds the our peoples to the north. Sorry aboat that canada you lose.
Sensi California Indica
TFD Early Durban
DNA Kushberry
Ametheyst bud
Anything of the g 13 lines
There are just a few canada
not to mention we (canada) have the biggest marijuana march IN THE WORLD and unlike our southern counterparts we are actually able to smoke our beloved plant during this sanctimonious event.. from what ive read even the pro-medical pot states wouldnt allow ppl to smoke pot during the march,, how fucked is that? maybe if U.S. citizens started taking control and stop allowing their govnt to push them around they can come even close to the ranks of canada.... dont be hatein i know you americans are all just jealous :P
I live in California, where the quality of bud is second to none. I also know that many great Canadian growers are cranking out bud that is pretty much the same quality. Bc Seedking is one of my favorite banks.

Instead of worrying about who has the best, I will extend a :joint: to our neighbors to the north and we can move on to bigger and better things.

P.S. California has the best quality and selection of buds in the world :mrgreen:
i will agree with california,, it does have a great selection of great buds and a great climate for growing.. from what ive heard prices arent so great but hey,, we have all paid 60 dollars for a measly quarter
USA USA USA UAS SAU HUH WHAT WAS THE QUESTION OH YEA USA FUCK YEAH.remamber most of the genetics for kick ass weed came from america...LAWS HERE SUCK ASS..
Alot of westcoast pot STARTED from canadian strains...so...who really wins?...i don't care about who's better...as long as it gets you high...it's good shit!!!
Lol...but i'm Canadian. You DO however have some really cool stuff for your armed services...wish we had some of that here to play with when i was in the army...lol.
i have NEVER gotten "mad" on an internet forum. why would i? people argue with me and they often think i'm angry. on a grow site, with what i have in my closet, that is not possible. anger does not happen where i'm sitting. :)