Who grows the Best Canada or USA?

Canadians are still kicking ass in the stoner world. Last year they took the crown as the tokingest nation on the planet. with the most pot smokers per capital of any nation on earth. but the want the good enough . The province of Ontario boasted : We can do better!" - check out the August Issue of HIGH TIMES for the rest...

I wish I was from the best place on earth.. Sounds Like it wins by easy. Hands down..

OH canada...

also canada doesn't have crazy stupid storms and shit that can eat up crops in seconds.. which happens every summer.. not in canada tho... eh? hahahahah
cant say ive gone to canada, holand and i live in the US and if i compare the best from each country there pretty much equal
bwahahahahah outdoor crap we speciallize in high potency nddor hiigh yielding super fucking chronic bc rocks. Fucking incredible sweet islank skunk blueberry kush, green crack champagne, texada timewarp ( you really lose an hr with this shit ) grapefruit kush strawberry kush, bc big bang,purple skunk,northern skunk, blubleberry, candy, bwahahhahahahahahha so many many many strains with 20 percent and higher, purple kush , titanium,juicy,northern pineberry,poo, goo,hashplant ,cherry, sweettooth, sweetkush,bluetooth,siesel purps,purple diesel, og kush,strawberry cough fuck there is so much fucking pot out here its fucking ridiculous
white shark, white rhino , master widow, blue widow ak 47, ak 48, plum, jamaican,nebula,bubbakush fuck so fucking many clones to pick from lol