who here can admit to liking a chick song ;)


Well-Known Member
i can... lol... but seriously there are some "techno" songs that just suck... but this is one of those few songs to have a natural sounding voice/not all synthed out...

more importantly the music is just so damn groovy... found this on yt to hear...

especially the build up of the entire beginning is just so sweet with the thick heavy beats that hit so smooth... ;)


feel free to post some of your favorite grooves to melt into when... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah... i like really just the first 2 and a half mins of this song, and then the last minute... the rest is well... you know... techno repetitive... ;)


Well-Known Member
here is another one that is pretty neat...



Well-Known Member
Maryanne Faithful 'Why'd You Do It?' why'd ya let her suck your cock? Filthy, creepy, eerie sound. God I love that song!!


Well-Known Member
One of the few I actually like:



New Member
I like PJ Harvey...these songs are a little old now, tho

Man Sized



Active Member
"Love story" by that white girl I forget her name. Someone like you by adele made me break down crying on a good acid trip once. Haha
Great song to get it on to. It's like a marching band is cheering you on while you score the big touchdown.
