Who here smokes there weed mixed with tabacco?


Well-Known Member
Not criticizing anyone, so don't take my opinion the wrong way, but I find that to be quite lame and a total bud menace. Bud is crisp and clean for a reason. I smoke cigarettes and don't like the combination, personally...


Active Member
I thought thats the way everyone smoked until I check this site out and realized that most smoke blunts or bong hits but its just too expensive to be smoking it that way all day thats why I've gone the grow your own root that way I can smoke blunts and not feel guilty of the cost but I don't mix in a water pipe keep it pure

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
oh what im shocked really all my life iv barely ever used bongs iv just had mixe, i do use tobacco lightly in my spliffs thou its mostly weed jus abit of baccy to help it burn
i plan on buyin a bong soon but iv said that for a year now lol


Well-Known Member
I used to back in high school always was worried about getting caught so id mix black and mild tobacco with weed and re stuff it... but stopped that a long time ago, worked for the time being though.


Well-Known Member
A nice big joint is perfect for me as i also smoke cigarettes so i smoke joints rather than cigarettes getting the best of both.


Active Member
Well when i smoke joints i just roll weed. But I almost always hit my bong and usually put a little bit of tobacco in the bottom of my bowl, since it a punch bowl it usually punches before it even burn.
Some people mix there weed with like 25% tobacco and hit the bong.
Where I'm from they mix the weed and the tobaaccy and call it mull hits. I feel like I don't get as high when I do mull hits. All the surfers here do that.
I never even considered mixing until I spent my honeymoon in Amsterdam. ALL the coffee shops have dif sections for "pure" & "mixed" smoking. Almost all the Europeans/locals mixed every time. I spent 95% of my time in the "pure" areas and locals look at you like your crazy...


Well-Known Member
Allot of Aussie mix there weed with tobacco. (if smoking bong or J )

This is to create "more" to share & help it burn faster/ easier.

I have recently taken tobacco out of my bowl and will not put it back. Though I have found I cough more with out it.... but that may be as I am not used to it (pure bud).


Active Member
i wouldnt smoke weed Not mixed with tobacco
that sounds ludacris

but im in Melbourne Australia - mixing my weed with tobacco is just how i was brought up


Active Member
50% weed / 50% tobacco
100% of the time
7 years

in my Dreams when i quit cigarettes i would smoke 100% weed and be happy