Who Influenced you to start growing


Well-Known Member
Ive found most people start growing because a friend has shown them the works or they have seen on the web/tv, so who or what first inspired you too start growing marijuana?

I think the first thing that inspired me was seeing a friends 10 ft tall sativa, was a site too behold and ever after seeing that I wanted my own.


Well-Known Member
no one but myself. I just thought one day, "hey I should grow some weed," so I did.


Active Member
i was like 13 years old when i saved my first marijuana seed and put it in some of moms potted soil. I was already smoking marijuana and i wanted to see what would happen. It grew about 12 inches tall and it fucken died because not enough sun light in a window. lol


Well-Known Member
when i was a youngster i would sell it, and make minor chump change or smoke for free at best.
now i'm older. i see the bigger picture, luckily i have a mentor that painted it for me and showed/shows me the way.
this forum has a lot of knowledge to offer anyone from beginners to advanced growers.
now i dont know any other way.

although i wouldnt consider myself a newbie i would say i'm still learning. now its all about perfecting my methods


Well-Known Member
my influence was all the red neck biker idiots growing shit weed, and not being able to find reliable ppl to deal with


Active Member
when I was just getting hair on my nuts I said to myself "if I like smoking herb and I just got seeds out of some crazy grass, why shouldn't I just grow it" and Iv been using the great spotlight every season for almost 10 years :)


Active Member
Family members on both sides had health problems, the symptoms of which could be treated by weed in some manner. Then there was me, the massive depressive disorder anxiety ridden insomniac who was also dealing with chronic pain.

So, yeah, then I discovered weed, shortly thereafter I discovered that I didn't know anyone geographically close by that smoked it, so I was fucked for a steady supply. Then I decided to grow, and the addiction (to growing) began.

Wonderful stuff.


Active Member
It was a long time ago it was dry and i cant be with out medicine so i went out and got sum books and a hydro kit and just went to work and now over 15 years later i am still growing strong.


my grandpa got me interested in gardening in general.... but we mostly get shwag down here..... it wasnt until i smoked some good dank, and then found this site.... that i decided that growing was a worthwhile idea.....


Well-Known Member
I first grew out some bagseed about 17 years ago, was tired of paying for it, but the cops got that crop, landlord pulled another, there were a few other misc. failures in there, then about 12 years ago, I had my first harvest, but then I lived in apartments for a while and couldn't grow, then had a kid, that put it further on hold, then, over this past summer, I got my medical recommendation, between that, and recently becoming a homeowner, with a large storage shed, I'm back up and growing.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I dreampt I already was doing it, Hubby didn't say I was nuts, so I made the dream come true.