who is growing some trees????

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
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Love the dog. Reminds me of my Ellie.

I'm a little late to the party, but I've got a few I'm hoping make trees. I'll tell you what, seeing everyone's grows on here makes me feel like I need to step it up. Even more respect for those rocking guerrila patches. All mine are in holes between 80-100 gallon. Light dep is seed run looking for keepers and they are only in #7s and #10s. Pics are a few days old but I'll try and snap a few today if anyone's interested. Thank you everyone for the inspiration. Stay safe and happy farming. View attachment 3717729 View attachment 3717730
Looking good. Yeah update as u wish!


Well-Known Member
finally a real update pic :P

pictured first is a strawberry spiderbite ; followed by 3 mendobreath/mendodawg crosses; followed by another spiderbite.

not pictured are 2 smaller ogkb dom cement shoes; and a nice dream lookin cement shoes pheno to the left of the first. Pretty happy with things so far; i love support cages. This lesson was huge lol.



Well-Known Member
Since no one could get off @ganga gurl420 s tits I decided I'd throw my balls up.
View attachment 3720244 View attachment 3720245 View attachment 3720246 View attachment 3720247Seriously though, never see any love for the male plants. These just got moved from the light dep inside under a 600. 3 mothertongue and 1 killer grape. We'll see how they finish out, might be some fun stuff down the road.View attachment 3720244 View attachment 3720245 View attachment 3720246 View attachment 3720247
Check @Mohican out. That dude loves the guys. Has strays everywhere pumping pollen. There's a couple guys on here into that kind of thing.
No ph for me either...just collect rain water ..creek water ..and greasemonkeymann says to use well water for minerals which I already do from time to time...my plants s3em to love it...my tallest..which isn't my biggest is about up to my chest and I'm 6ft 3.....that's nit including the pots ...they are almost as tall as I am in the pots
When did you put them outside and how big/weeks were they? I think I might have got a late start as I didn't put mines outside until 1st of the month and they were about 2weeks old and they're about to my knee now and I'm 6ft 2. I don't have the luxury of creek, river or well water and we haven't got much rain this month..maybe 1 inch and half if that, so I have to get it from the tap. The girls look nice but hasn't really taken off (to me) or like I said maybe I got a late start?


Well-Known Member
Since no one could get off @ganga gurl420 s tits I decided I'd throw my balls up.
View attachment 3720244 View attachment 3720245 View attachment 3720246 View attachment 3720247Seriously though, never see any love for the male plants. These just got moved from the light dep inside under a 600. 3 mothertongue and 1 killer grape. We'll see how they finish out, might be some fun stuff down the road.View attachment 3720244 View attachment 3720245 View attachment 3720246 View attachment 3720247
Posted already in getaway's thread, but why not? Plus my pollen catching system. Can't have any fans going, or any doors/windows open. This shit blows!
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