who is growing some trees????


Well-Known Member
@doublejj ............. when I was a kid my hero was goku from dragon Ball z......now that I'm older my hero is still goku....but now I can say AND doublejj ...those plants look so healthy and vigorous man...I could only dream to have a set up like that someday ...congratulations on knowING how to be a cannabis KING


Well-Known Member
Today at Lone Oak Farms....
Greenhouse #2
View attachment 3740722

Greenhouse #1....
View attachment 3740723
Finally some real trees! Thanks for posting JJ, they are looking great! I love the cargo trailer, thanks for that ideas to. I was gonna build a big ass shed, but I see those for sale all over.. Hmm, may have to look into those this year.

Best of luck bro! Hope you have a record year!


Well-Known Member
That's unless Trump gets elected...he will appoint Chris Christie as attorney general. Christie has said that if he were AG he would enforce all federal drug laws...even in medical states. A lot is at stake this election
Damnnn. What would
Happen then? Think most medical growers would be smart to move indoors/greenhouse only &/or slow down? That would suckkk, I didn't know all that.


Well-Known Member
Anyone on here ever use trail cams near their grow to identify if someone you know punks your crop, I'm likely just paranoid but there's always that chance and it would be nice to know who jacked you. I'm looking for something affordable that can take a decent night shot. If there is a forum for this point me in the right direction if not I figured someone on here might know what what I should get.