who is growing some trees????


Well-Known Member
Well don't get bit by any spiders!
As long as they're not spider mites, no worries.

All spiders are welcome in the garden for the most part, although a few months ago.....

I had a preying mantis egg sac hatch in a greenhouse, and a few garden spiders I hadn't notice before ended up eating literally every little baby....

Broke my heart.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
As long as they're not spider mites, no worries.

All spiders are welcome in the garden for the most part, although a few months ago.....

I had a preying mantis egg sac hatch in a greenhouse, and a few garden spiders I hadn't notice before ended up eating literally every little baby....

Broke my heart.
Awww that super sucks!


Well-Known Member
Man my girls just will not take up the nitro I've given them. Not sure what's up. Gonna carefully go out tonight and test my soil. I'm gonna try and do a foliar feed. Has anyone ever tried the baby shampoo added in to get better coverage. Just want to make sure before I go and do it. I've never added a wetting agent before.


Well-Known Member
Well they are still there. It's really sketchy. My meter is reading a pH of seven but the nitro just wont touch em. I did a double strength foliar feed of fox farm grow big. Give it a few More days. This is crap it will be the first and last time I dont make my own soil.



Well-Known Member
Seen the past post about choppers, bust and such. Also seen the mention of possibly being concerned for seed orders. Only reason I bring this up is because recently (6-7 weeks ago) buddy of mine got busted. Now this could be for numerous things, people we deal with, luck of the draw, etc.. My friend had made a nice order of beans from Herbie's. Half of the order made it, he called about the other half, which he paid for and, they sent the rest of his order with more freebies. Great customer service. In between orders he makes another from Nirvana.
I Dont think ordering is a problem, I Dont think how much is ordered is a problem. I question, frequency of orders though. I realize there's a lot of variables at hand here. I can't say, this or that is what got him popped, he can't either. It just seemed fishy to me. I thought I'd share, that, again, lol I've shared it before on here, since its happened.
May the grow Gods bless you all.