Who is Paul Manafort? Really?


Well-Known Member
Oh Jesus Christ. I never thought I would miss Corey Lewandowski.

Some of Manafort's former bosses: Jonas Savimbi, Mobutu Sese Seko, Ferdinand Marcos and (drumroll) Viktor Yanukovych.

(Yes, I know)

the more I see, the more certain I am that TRUMP! believes that the time for dictatorship is here.

Somebody needs to throw a book deal at Lewandowski real quick. Let him spill his guts.
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Well-Known Member
Oh Jesus Christ. I never thought I would miss Corey Lewandowski.

Some of Manafort's former bosses: Jonas Savimbi, Mobutu Sese Seko, Ferdinand Marcos and (drumroll) Viktor Yanukovych.

(Yes, I know)

the more I see, the more certain I am that TRUMP! believes that the time for dictatorship is here.

Somebody needs to throw a book deal at Lewandowski real quick. Let him spill his guts.

Lewandowski won't, as he's personal friend of Trump. Too loyal. Looking for future position in Luftwaffe SS..total poster boy for aryan model. I mean he even has the haircut right..and WTF is that symbol on his lapel..illuminati?


The only thing Paul Manafort has managed to do, is head loser campaigns.
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Well-Known Member
Lewandowski won't, as he's personal friend of Trump. Too loyal. Looking for future position in Luftwaffe SS..total poster boy for aryan model. I mean he even has the haircut right..and WTF is that symbol on his lapel..illuminati?

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The only thing Paul Manafort has managed to do, is head loser campaigns.
I don't know about that. Why would a white male middle aged US citizen be so popular with that crowd of dictators? More than likely he has connections of some sort, whether it be financial or political that the dictators wanted to access. Which begs the question, what is he doing for Trump? It can't be that he's been hired to run a successful campaign. He's never run one before.


Well-Known Member
let me see if i have this right: you tried to insult obama by comparing him to other people paul manafort has managed. but in reality, paul manafort was managing your candidate instead.

are you honestly too stupid to see how this backfires on you?
I guess he was photo shopped out.