who is the biggest buzz kill?

LOL yeah! Thats happened to me too... or its someone with a long ass drama story and I'm too blazed to conversate and they keep going on and on and I'm like.. "Why the hell did I answer my phone??". But its too late and I dont wanna be rude. lmao Im such a bitch :blsmoke: no, not really... I just hate being bothered when I'm high

LOL @ "why the hell did I answer my phone" because I think the same thing

I hate listening to drama when I'm high. I wanna chill out and not worry about who was not invited to lunch or the game. I don't care about drama normally, but can atleast fake interest in it. When I'm high I'm sitting there thinking, "oh christ - i could be doing so many fun things right now and i'm stuck on the phone listening to this shit."
when your sittin there in your own little world buzz up,
and then she gets home and starts kickin off about stupid shit lol

lmfao... i think its hilarious how notorious this guy is for rambling on about useless shit that doesnt even make sense.

the first sentence is almost sometimes an uplifting, sometimes funny, high-enhancing moment.

the next sentence makes u want to go grab the shotgun.
One of the worst things in the world is having a nice smoke session, with good herb, only to have someone or something come up that just totally kills the buzz....

One example - unnanounced visits. I don't have a garage, so people see my car and it's not like I can just ingnore the doorbell. It's horrible when I'm stoned and someone is ringing the doorbell.

Most the people I hang with smoke, but I have one cousin who is the biggest buzz kill in the world. He just comes over my house and engages me in conversation about all this shit I don't care about (car parts, real estate, stocks, etc.). He is afraid to smoke and thinks that when you smoke weed you start to see shit. He's always saying stuff like, "if I was high I'd think that snowbank was a UFO." Ughhhh - WTF.

You're fucking up my high - don't bother me dude!!!!!

you should have this annoying cousin sleep over your house one time and just slip him a nice brownie thatʻll put him on his ass. then he might shut up, just be sure to keep him calm.