Who is trending right now?


Well-Known Member
Nothing so exciting as dragons and princesses, just a big weird head fuck to process.

All done now I think, I'm ready for some dick pics again.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm just on my way home from a festival in West Cork.

Long old session. Been there since Wednesday.

I'm going to find out in the next hour or so whether a tent full of weed in full flower can last 5 days unattended.....

Place your bets people, I'm expecting some droopy assed ladies...


Well-Known Member
Well I'm just on my way home from a festival in West Cork.

Long old session. Been there since Wednesday.

I'm going to find out in the next hour or so whether a tent full of weed in full flower can last 5 days unattended.....

Place your bets people, I'm expecting some droopy assed ladies...
You may get lucky. They really slow down their uptake near the end.


Well-Known Member
That was one of my fav cartoons as a kid...pretty much all they had. I begged my mom to make some spinach for dinner....my gag reflex kicked in so hard a vomited all over the dinner table...she was mad

yeah i wasnt a big fan of spinach..i hated goolash (sp)