who just uses GH (or equiv) and none of the extra BS and gets good results?


Active Member
Anymore I'm wondering if anyone just uses some simple stuff, follows simple regime and gets a good yield....

I go to a hydro store and gotta parse through all the "Cartoonish" bottles of mohawked branded bullsh*t, magical bat guano, and bloom boosters and wonder WTF to buy.... Basically, what do I need past a NPK 2pt or 3pt regime? Silica?, Bud Boosters?, Molasses?

Honestly folks, I've real hours of post here but its REALLY hard for a semi-experienced newb (yes: oxymoron) to sift through the post by all the tennies (sounding like 50yr old experts); the "parrotters" (w/o any actual experience but repeating internet hype), the industry shills, et et ..... and get a real reliable testimony on nutes...

... I ask this fully realizing I might get 20 opinions, but really tho, does anyone just buy Coke & Pepsi? Curently my 1st grow was Lucas/GH, but thinking of going back to GH's 3pt .... Also is there a single dry mix thats performs similar to GH liquids (other than Maxibloom)?


Well-Known Member
I switched from the GH trio to Dyna-Gro and Im glad I did.
Easier to use and far better results.


Well-Known Member
GH is all you need I've used it it was good no worse then any of the other hydro nutes imo I've only tried 2 other brands for hydro nutes and AN aint on no pedastool. I use powder nutes now cheap powder nutes it is suppose to be one of the better ones and I love it $20 for a 4 lb tub of Jacks Classic well comes to about $40 for all purpose and bloom booster but you can buy a lot less to try it out I've had them 4lbs'ers for a year in a half or so and I'm not even halfway through it I also haven't seen any lose in yield or potency. Really its the same thing it has all the micro and macro nutes a plant needs same thing you buy in a hydro store split up and in water. Its also easy as hell just like grandmas nutes a tiny scoop per gallon. Dyna-Gro is easy to use too but god damn its more expensive then Advanced Nutrients.


Well-Known Member
^^^Lots of people swear by Jack's too, I see lots of people using it now with good results.
Yeah, first one to turn me on to it was SimonD that free seed pic thread or whatever it was called dude grows some fat ass cola's I couldn't believe it when he said he use's Jacks I looked it up seen a few more grows with it and said fuck it haven't looked back yet I do wan't to try out some organic though.

https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/516068-free-seed-pre-harvest-pics.html Yeah, that boy does good as hell and with jacks I'm not their yet though the quality is great that dudes just a master at training plants.


Well-Known Member
GH is all you need I've used it it was good no worse then any of the other hydro nutes imo I've only tried 2 other brands for hydro nutes and AN aint on no pedastool. I use powder nutes now cheap powder nutes it is suppose to be one of the better ones and I love it $20 for a 4 lb tub of Jacks Classic well comes to about $40 for all purpose and bloom booster but you can buy a lot less to try it out I've had them 4lbs'ers for a year in a half or so and I'm not even halfway through it I also haven't seen any lose in yield or potency. Really its the same thing it has all the micro and macro nutes a plant needs same thing you buy in a hydro store split up and in water. Its also easy as hell just like grandmas nutes a tiny scoop per gallon. Dyna-Gro is easy to use too but god damn its more expensive then Advanced Nutrients.
DG would rival dry foods in terms of cost.

Anymore I'm wondering if anyone just uses some simple stuff, follows simple regime and gets a good yield....

I go to a hydro store and gotta parse through all the "Cartoonish" bottles of mohawked branded bullsh*t, magical bat guano, and bloom boosters and wonder WTF to buy.... Basically, what do I need past a NPK 2pt or 3pt regime? Silica?, Bud Boosters?, Molasses?

Honestly folks, I've real hours of post here but its REALLY hard for a semi-experienced newb (yes: oxymoron) to sift through the post by all the tennies (sounding like 50yr old experts); the "parrotters" (w/o any actual experience but repeating internet hype), the industry shills, et et ..... and get a real reliable testimony on nutes...

... I ask this fully realizing I might get 20 opinions, but really tho, does anyone just buy Coke & Pepsi? Curently my 1st grow was Lucas/GH, but thinking of going back to GH's 3pt .... Also is there a single dry mix thats performs similar to GH liquids (other than Maxibloom)?
Silica is a nice additive but other than that, you can really just use the GH 3 part and call it a day. It's a bit watery though and the ever-rising pH is annoying.


I use GH for my past 2 grows. First grow I went all out with additives but this second grow I just use the micro, grow, bloom, floralishious plus and cal mag. As long as you got a well balance nutrient regimen then lots of additives are not needed. I've had great results so far with the products I just mentioned. GH is cheap and it works nothing more to it IMO.


Well-Known Member
I use GH for my past 2 grows. First grow I went all out with additives but this second grow I just use the micro, grow, bloom, floralishious plus and cal mag. As long as you got a well balance nutrient regimen then lots of additives are not needed. I've had great results so far with the products I just mentioned. GH is cheap and it works nothing more to it IMO.
Why are you adding cal/mag?


Well-Known Member
The ph stability of protekt (and the way it makes my plants look) is what sealed the deal on dyna for me.
The ease was one thing, the stability made it far better than gh for a newb grower like me.


Well-Known Member
I've used GH Flora Series for a few yrs now and have no complaints nor any inclination to add thos "BS addatives" that all companies advertise or even fellow growers, this last grow I'm trying out Floralicious plus and really not sure if I see any difference, all and all I think just basic nutrients is all your plant needs, adding all these other products seems to add more problems than anything, after all, all a plant needs is food and it will take care of the rest, I don't believe in "pushing" or "boosting" the plants really does any good, just my opinion.


Active Member
REALLY appreciate the replies.... and yeah; you see all the snake oils in any hobby involving "consumables", so I was askin in all sincerity, as I had no clue what any of the nefarious "additives" was really supposed to do....(sometimes I think when it comes to "potions"; people buy it, and therefore "believe it")... You say Jacks is easier, is it dry? is it a "all-in-one" or a 2pt.....what exactly do I need to buy? ...right now I'm down to about 1qt ea of GH and thinking of switching for this season (I'm a hobbyist/personal grower)


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I went here
http://www.greenhousemegastore.com/product/6165/fertilizers?gclid=CPH63YeDh7oCFRKe4AodvyUAKA is this part 1 of 2 or is it stand alone? (pardon the ignorance, can't seem to Google any info on using it (probably is somewhere obvious)
No problem, with Dyna you can use grow (I use foliage pro) all the way through if you want and dont need the bloom. The protekt is
a great addition. It stabilizes the ph and the plants really seem to do well with it. I have a jug of mag pro I havent had to use (I water with tap water)

The protekt is a stand alone and is not needed, but it is worth using for sure.


Well-Known Member
I swear by Jack s Classic. Only other stuff I may use (have a ton of shit I'll never use handed down to me) is silica (seems to play a role in stem strength, just an observation, not scientific by any means) and if a strain is a cal/mag whore I'll giver her some cheap Cal/mag from a bottle which will probably last forever, same goes for the silica bottle.


Well-Known Member
Yep I'm in soil. If I went hydro their product would be my first choice to try. It seems like everyone wants to make everything way more complicated than need be. I've played around with hydro (non cannabis related) and it need not be all the bull shit people make it out to be. I can see specific cases where issues could be a problen but I think most of the time its people loving their plants too much.


Well-Known Member
Jacks all purpose and bloom booster arent for hydro, theyre made for amended soil and they work great for that


Well-Known Member
I am aware that the Classic is formulated for soil. What I meant was I would try Jacks hydro product. I swear Jacks has so many different fertilizers I wasn't aware of until I placed an order through their site


Active Member
For the small non-commercial grower, there are not a lot of choices in dry hydro nutrients. It is far more profitable to sell you some liquid BS. Because there really isn't much difference between dry nutrients; the technology was worked out decades ago and no significant advances have been made since then. Dry nutrients are a commodity for sale primarily to commercial greenhouse operations.