who just uses GH (or equiv) and none of the extra BS and gets good results?


New Member
GH is all you need I've used it it was good no worse then any of the other hydro nutes imo I've only tried 2 other brands for hydro nutes and AN aint on no pedastool. I use powder nutes now cheap powder nutes it is suppose to be one of the better ones and I love it $20 for a 4 lb tub of Jacks Classic well comes to about $40 for all purpose and bloom booster but you can buy a lot less to try it out I've had them 4lbs'ers for a year in a half or so and I'm not even halfway through it I also haven't seen any lose in yield or potency. Really its the same thing it has all the micro and macro nutes a plant needs same thing you buy in a hydro store split up and in water. Its also easy as hell just like grandmas nutes a tiny scoop per gallon. Dyna-Gro is easy to use too but god damn its more expensive then Advanced Nutrients.
That is a perfect expression right there, I would literally put that on my dry nutrients as a marketing tool.


Active Member
For the small non-commercial grower, there are not a lot of choices in dry hydro nutrients. It is far more profitable to sell you some liquid BS. Because there really isn't much difference between dry nutrients; the technology was worked out decades ago and no significant advances have been made since then. Dry nutrients are a commodity for sale primarily to commercial greenhouse operations.
I was wondering this....I recall on a VERY old thread with regard to aquarium supplements that "Sometimes" certain chemical solutions must be liquid in order to work right...not sure if this applies to micro nutients but I'm pretty sure with regard to the basic NPK it shouldn't matter (but then again, its obvious "dry" Miracle Grow doesn't work for Hydro) ...
So basically are we saying for Hydro, its liquids or bust?


New Member
Johnny...nutrients and their use are almost a personal thing. Basically they all work but only as well as the growers experience allows. Ego also comes into play with a lot of these comments. I look at it this way...Pick a product, most 3 part system are complete and balanced. Use the 3 part system in conjunction with a couple of meters and set up a schedule. Once you have a base line you can start trying things like big bud, this way you can actually see if they are worth the dollars. Most of these additives will do little to the average grow and are not worth it in the gardens I service. Cannabis is a beast so having a bottle of cal/mag or something similar around will help come the 4th week veg and on. Hope this helps JAS


Well-Known Member
Johnny...nutrients and their use are almost a personal thing. Basically they all work but only as well as the growers experience allows. Ego also comes into play with a lot of these comments. I look at it this way...Pick a product, most 3 part system are complete and balanced. Use the 3 part system in conjunction with a couple of meters and set up a schedule. Once you have a base line you can start trying things like big bud, this way you can actually see if they are worth the dollars. Most of these additives will do little to the average grow and are not worth it in the gardens I service. Cannabis is a beast so having a bottle of cal/mag or something similar around will help come the 4th week veg and on. Hope this helps JAS
Name one that contains all 16 essential elements.


Well-Known Member
Plants don't "follow" a schedule. Learn how to read your pants. You don't need 3+ bottles to provide your pants the food they need. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is simply misleading you and wants your pockets lighter.


I switched to dwc about a year ago all i use is the three gh bottles with tap water at the recommended ratios 15-10-5 for grow micro and bloom. When i switch to flower i dump the buckets add fresh water and nutes at that ratio and just addback with lucas at 0-8-16 to desired ppm once a week until harvest. Never noticed anything missing no deficiency or problems. if i had money to waste i still wouldn't add anything i think as long as the 16 elements are there u need nothing else.


Well-Known Member
most nutrient has 13 elements and its all u need EXCEPT for RO water maybe u will need additive... dynagro added 3 other elements .... chlorine,sodium,nickel.... std water supply them. i'm not sure if they really want to add them or its impurities...not sure if nickel is really beneficial.anyway it contain very small concentration in dynagro. IMO , its not their biggest edge but the concentration of nutes and price. protekt for example is probly the best sillica additive.

TMG Genetics

New Member
Dude, just use gh three part with the useless formula (google it) or use just micro and bloom and do the lucas formula. Follow those simple steps and you'll grow some great weed, I know I do.