who knows a good doctor in mid michigan


Well-Known Member
i am having a hell of a time finding a doctor that will even entertain the idea of medical maurijauna. i have a severe back injury and my doctor of 5 years wouldnt even talk to me after i mentioned mj i had to literally physically restrain him in order for him to tell me that he doesnt have the federal licensing to write the scrip but he could write me one for oxy ican have buckets of that shit -it makes me sick as a dog. anyway does anyone know of a doctor inj mid michigan who is mj friendly flint or tri city area. thanx


Well-Known Member
please if someone could help with this that would be great i am literally in terrible pain and am sick of risking my and my family's ass for medicine



Well-Known Member
:( cruel world... Hopefully one day medicine will be readily available. Good luck, I feel for you.
man, there aint anyone that has any idea yet...f**k, i am in the saginaw area and I have petit mal seizures and myoclonus, and the only thing that has ever flipping curbed my god damn twitching and shit is pot, if you know someone around here that isnt f**king scared to give out the prescription he is legally allowed to give, than please let me know....


Well-Known Member
Come on i kno wyour doctor would love all the cash business he would generate from people that he would never regularly see and know i've learned that its not a scrip its a recommendation that's it when your doctor will give you a scrip of oxy but not recommend maurijauna something is fucked up (i.e.) drug companies and congress are fuckin butt buddies the only reform our medical community needs is a lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take our country back


Well-Known Member
The only way is to discuss grievance then act upon it we have enacted historic legislation and everyone is scared to death of it wtf if we do not advocate and use this right it will be dismissed as a fad if we put it into use in the mainstream it would be two fold it in itself would revolutionize health care--through use it would tragically undermine drug sales and profits to the industry as a whole and it would reaffirm we are in control and not our government)--they are literally stinkin up the place

lets act together discuss this topic


Well-Known Member
this is a shame ican google this subject 10 ndifferent ways and this post is number one every time

someone (any doctors out there) has to have information on this

think of the people it would help(i myself don't have the nmoney to investigate doctors) if a persons need is legitimate then there should be no qualms WE PASSED A LAW DAMMIT

anyway i'm making this my pet peeve

i will begin compiling a list tomorrow if i have to personally call doctors myself


Well-Known Member
watch this i'm gonna reform health care

by giving alot of people access to cheap effective medicine
HELP ME -make the list


Sorry I'm late, lol. =P

Check this.


The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation Online


Our physicians require that each patient have current medical records that document the existence of one of the conditions for which medical marijuana is authorized under their state law. You must either obtain your medical records yourself (which may involve a fee) and bring them in to us, or you may authorize that your medical records be faxed or mailed to one of our offices.

Since our doctors are consulting with patients solely about their qualification for medicinal cannabis, and can not act as a patient's primary physician, we require that all of our patients have at least one other current physician.

Three Key Steps to Setting an Appointment:

Step 1: If you are a NEW PATIENT, in order to schedule an appointment you must first have:

A) CHART NOTES (The notes your doctor keeps in your medical file.) The records need to be current within the past three years and must pertain to your qualifying condition. We only need chart notes from 2-3 recent visits on your condition. These can be UP TO three years old. For example, if you saw the doctor in September of 2006, those records could be used until September of 2009. Please do not send older documents unless requested.

B) CHART NOTES must be from an MD (medical doctor) or a DO (doctor of osteopathy). Oregon patients may be able to use records from a NP (nurse practitioner). In other states, our doctors cannot use records from a NP or PA.

C) Any recent MRI or x-ray REPORTS (not required, but desirable if applicable). Please don't send the film, just the report.

Step 2: You can have your doctor's office fax or mail your medical records to us directly, or send them in yourself. In either case, we need the documents and YOUR telephone number. Note: Please BE SURE to clarify with the doctor's office that you only need 2-3 visits of chart notes pertaining to your qualifying condition, NOT your entire medical record. We love trees and don't want to kill any more than necessary. Also ask your doctor's office to include your phone # with the fax.

Please fax medical records to: your clinic or deliver/mail them to your local THCF clinic.

Step 3: Wait for several days for us to review your records and contact you. If you don't hear from us after that time, contact us by phone:

Call Us Toll-Free - 1.800.723.0188


Well-Known Member
good link BUT it indicates that will not be a primary physician

not good for someone without insurance who makes mainly cash visits

i've had the same doctor for years and i think i saw him 3 times

regardless good link



good link BUT it indicates that will not be a primary physician

not good for someone without insurance who makes mainly cash visits

i've had the same doctor for years and i think i saw him 3 times

regardless good link

It won't be a primary physician because they're practice is soley for writing recommendations. They aren't for checkups. You go in with your records, explain your problem and why marijuana helps you, pay $100-$200 cash. Get a year or more recommendation.
Since our doctors are consulting with patients solely about their qualification for medicinal cannabis, and can not act as a patient's primary physician, we require that all of our patients have at least one other current physician.
There's really not much to it. The only hard part is actually knowing where to find a physician.

Call em up and get your card, man. ;)

EDIT: No, you won't have a written recommendation from your primary physician... you will however have a written recommendation from a licensed and qualified doctor who under his professional opinion, you can benefit from the medical qualities of marijuana. That will get you into a dispensary to purchase meds, as well as keep you safe from the law. Depending on state laws... you are allowed to usually carry 2oz and allowed to have 8 flowering plants and 12 non flowering.


Well-Known Member
my doctor won't agree to any of this which is the problem

an attractive scenario to me would be to find a LOCAL doctor that i can give all my info to ,have him make a recommendation (knowing ahead of time he is not morally opposed to my choice of medicine) and return to him for any follow up or further treatment

if indeed that could be the case it would have a dramatic impact on the numbers immediately

who wants to go to 10 different doctors to try and round up their info (which i've heard many doctors won't release) then drive to troy and spend 200 dollars for an office visit which is normally 75

i understand it's a niche market but i'nm willing to bet alot of small town guys would take the normal fee in exchange for the extra business

regardless it's good info but still not great, i'm willing to bet that alot of people would utilize THE LIST

thanx for the feedback (finally a post!) +rep+



Your doctor won't agree to letting you obtain YOUR medical records, for whatever reason? Sounds like a pretty douchey doctor imho. I'd tell him it's for a medical class you're taking and you need to do a report on some random shit involving records.

When I got my card, I didn't need medical records and these mmj physicians don't even ask info about your primary physician. Doctor patient confidentiality, you're other doc doesn't need to hear anything, lol. But I'd seriously give that place a call and ask if they even REALLY need the records. That's more of a legal thing for show, they really just want the huge flow of money for signing a paper.

Regardless if you DO happen to find a local doctor, a good way to try and see if they're mmj friendly is to of course tell them your problems, have them perscribe you shit, come back and say it doesn't work or you hate the side effects of the chemicals. After the second time HE may suggest medicinal use of cannabis, if not, hint it to him that your friend had you try some mmj and it relieved your pains without the negative side effects of the chemical meds, say you heard about medical marijuana. Remind the doc they cannot get in trouble for anything at ALL under law for writing a recommendation. It's a good nonchalant way of getting a straight doc to consider and or write one.


Well-Known Member
i am not intimidated by telling the doctor what works initially

i dont have the money to fuck around with experimentation (multiple doctors ,treatment regimines etc) AND i have tried everything from aspirin to mescaline and WILL NOT EAT OPIATES


i am not intimidated by telling the doctor what works initially

i dont have the money to fuck around with experimentation (multiple doctors ,treatment regimines etc) AND i have tried everything from aspirin to mescaline and WILL NOT EAT OPIATES
It's not the intimidation for you, it's mostly for the doctor. If they just think you want pot or if they're bias against it, they won't move anywhere forward.

But yeah that sucks man.

Try to find a physician database if you could for mmj docs in michigan, see if the clinic they work for requires medical records. If they don't, it's just a one time thing for you. Drive there, talk to the doc about your pains, pay up, dip out.

Wish the best of luck, glad I could help if any.


Well-Known Member
if the clinic didn't need all the red tape that would be great but the community mental health board has to review the recommendation and i haven't many testimonials about how critical that was to the equation

my problem is pretty obvious my old doctor who has reefer madness will give me oxy all day

like i said initially maurijauna really helps me and to be able to do that without risking my kids' father's ass all the time would be great and i know alot of people in the same situation

having a big bag of ganj would eliminate doctors for me there is no fixing the problem i just want to be comfortable till i get called home!


New Member
i am not intimidated by telling the doctor what works initially

i dont have the money to fuck around with experimentation (multiple doctors ,treatment regimines etc) AND i have tried everything from aspirin to mescaline and WILL NOT EAT OPIATES
Man just do some calling around at various clinics, your gonna have to pay one way or another.