Who owns the FED...



the federal reserve is no more federal than federal express


Well-Known Member
Its a Cartel of big international investment banks. JP Morgan, BofA, Goldman Sachs, Kuhn Loeb, Moses Serif bank of Israel, Bank of England and others, I can't remember them all, its basically the Rockefeller, the Morgan, Oppenheimer, Rothschild families that control the worlds finance. A "Bankers" Bank if you will, a Central bank that creates only instruments of debt that we call FRN's (Federal Reserve Notes) or Dollar Bills as Opposed to Dollars, which are 26 grams of 90% pure silver.


New Member
Most folks don't understand their money. All of our currency has "Federal Reserve Note" printed along the top of the bills. A "Note" is a debt instrument, not unlike the note that a creditor carries on your home or your car. Once one comes to the understanding that a Federal Reserve Note is nothing more than a check that doesn't need endorsing, one has come a long way in understanding our money.
