Who pays $80 for one seed?


Well-Known Member
They came from BC Seeds which is a well known to be rather less than reputable site.
yup too true.

on a legitimate bank the highest price per seed you should be looking at is in the twenty dollar mark and that would be for a multiple cup winning strain with some sound genetics. (though i too have seen it reach higher for certain strains from less than reputable sights).

also think of the you get what you pay for idea ;) though price isnt always what you should go by its the genetics and how stable and proved they are

well thats my point of view anyways.

peace out


Well-Known Member
ok first i dont think there is a female that is hermie resistant, if you stress a female it will herm, mess with the light schedule and you will get a herm. And chemicals arent the only way to make herm, letting the bud over ripen until it produces males sac is the better method.

yes.. there are females that are hermie resistant... they are hard to find due to so many crossings of strains... a hermie trait that is crossed with a true female with dirty the genetic line.. so it is UNCOMMON to find true females.. BUT they DO exist...

secondly, chemically inducing pollen sacs on a true female is the only way to get pollen sacs from it early enough to pollinate that specific female, or another true female, early enough in flowering to get the healthiest seeds you can get, which in turn will grow strong females...

and lastly, the reason that females will produce pollen in over ripened buds is a natural phenomenon.. in nature (which in turn means it will happen under most circumstances) when there is a large group of females in an area with no males to pollinate them, later in their life they may produce pollen sacs to try to produce seeds to ensure their genetic line survives.. its not a guarantee that the female will by letting it over ripe..

and lastly, just because that female produces pollen that late into flowering does no mean it is a hermie.. over ripening of buds is not a stress.. it happens in nature when no one tends to plants... so thats just evolution and survival traits that most, if not all MJ plants, will do in those circumstances...

a hermie will show hermie traits through environmental stresses or on their own, before flowers ripe... that means they show pollen sacs from temp stresses, or lighting stresses, ect. or they just start producing pollen sacs on their own, well before the buds get over ripe...

chemical inducing of a true female is the only way to be 100% sure that the pollen produced contains only 100% pure true female pollen... and pollinating that female or another true female is the only way to be 100% sure that the resulting seeds are pure true female seeds...


Well-Known Member
yes.. there are females that are hermie resistant... they are hard to find due to so many crossings of strains... a hermie trait that is crossed with a true female with dirty the genetic line.. so it is UNCOMMON to find true females.. BUT they DO exist...

secondly, chemically inducing pollen sacs on a true female is the only way to get pollen sacs from it early enough to pollinate that specific female, or another true female, early enough in flowering to get the healthiest seeds you can get, which in turn will grow strong females...

and lastly, the reason that females will produce pollen in over ripened buds is a natural phenomenon.. in nature (which in turn means it will happen under most circumstances) when there is a large group of females in an area with no males to pollinate them, later in their life they may produce pollen sacs to try to produce seeds to ensure their genetic line survives.. its not a guarantee that the female will by letting it over ripe..

and lastly, just because that female produces pollen that late into flowering does no mean it is a hermie.. over ripening of buds is not a stress.. it happens in nature when no one tends to plants... so thats just evolution and survival traits that most, if not all MJ plants, will do in those circumstances...

a hermie will show hermie traits through environmental stresses or on their own, before flowers ripe... that means they show pollen sacs from temp stresses, or lighting stresses, ect. or they just start producing pollen sacs on their own, well before the buds get over ripe...

chemical inducing of a true female is the only way to be 100% sure that the pollen produced contains only 100% pure true female pollen... and pollinating that female or another true female is the only way to be 100% sure that the resulting seeds are pure true female seeds...
all too true but theres one stipulation i thouroughly disagree with

its not hard to find strains that are hermie resistant. and as for the true females lets just say theres plenty to go round.

nuff said.


Well-Known Member
You can get most Serious and Sensi strains (except a few very expensive strains) for around $100-$150 for 10 seeds. That's $10-$15 per seed and their genetics are stable and proven.

Go with the proven stuff the first time around and there's no disappointments.


Well-Known Member
yes.. there are females that are hermie resistant... they are hard to find due to so many crossings of strains... a hermie trait that is crossed with a true female with dirty the genetic line.. so it is UNCOMMON to find true females.. BUT they DO exist...

secondly, chemically inducing pollen sacs on a true female is the only way to get pollen sacs from it early enough to pollinate that specific female, or another true female, early enough in flowering to get the healthiest seeds you can get, which in turn will grow strong females...

and lastly, the reason that females will produce pollen in over ripened buds is a natural phenomenon.. in nature (which in turn means it will happen under most circumstances) when there is a large group of females in an area with no males to pollinate them, later in their life they may produce pollen sacs to try to produce seeds to ensure their genetic line survives.. its not a guarantee that the female will by letting it over ripe..

and lastly, just because that female produces pollen that late into flowering does no mean it is a hermie.. over ripening of buds is not a stress.. it happens in nature when no one tends to plants... so thats just evolution and survival traits that most, if not all MJ plants, will do in those circumstances...

a hermie will show hermie traits through environmental stresses or on their own, before flowers ripe... that means they show pollen sacs from temp stresses, or lighting stresses, ect. or they just start producing pollen sacs on their own, well before the buds get over ripe...

chemical inducing of a true female is the only way to be 100% sure that the pollen produced contains only 100% pure true female pollen... and pollinating that female or another true female is the only way to be 100% sure that the resulting seeds are pure true female seeds...
Yeah well....but....your so...damn that was a good rebuttal:finger::clap::-P.


Active Member
all too true but theres one stipulation i thouroughly disagree with

its not hard to find strains that are hermie resistant. and as for the true females lets just say theres plenty to go round.

nuff said.
could you name a few?


Well-Known Member
all too true but theres one stipulation i thouroughly disagree with

its not hard to find strains that are hermie resistant. and as for the true females lets just say theres plenty to go round.

nuff said.

there is a difference between hermie resistant and not being a hermie at all..

traits can lay dormant through many many generations.. this means that you can have what you think is a true female and all of a sudden it shows its hermie traits...

making a strain hermie resistant is easy if you breed and back cross with a true female..

and some strains are known to be more hermie resistant than others..

im sorry if i made it seem like there are a handful of true females out there.. thats not what i was getting at... what i meant was that finding a true female is hard BECAUSE the hermie trait CAN lay dormant.. so what seems to be true female genetics ends up having having some hermie traits show..

also... if a female is a true female it wont hermie.. is not just hermie resistant.. its non-hermieable (i know its not a word.. but it gets the point across) without the use of chemicals.... chemically alternating a plant does not make it a hermie either... hermie is a genetic trait... the hermie gene is not passed down in a situation where you chemically induce pollen on a true female....


Well-Known Member
could you name a few?
my answer was a bit vague. sorry
basically there are strains that are more hearty thatn others when i said strais i kinda fucked up. i meant plants, its all on the true female theory.

though im surew there could very well be breeders are pulling off lots of cool shit these days. but basically if you get a pack of reg seeds from a seedbank they should be righ because (this generally ensures no outsidfe hermie traits are in the heritage though this is not always the case)

when you get seeds like these you have a 50/50 chance male female. not hermies (and not inclluding rhodelization the plants natural need to reproduce) basically if the breeder keeps true to these specs and picks strong plants that dont stress easy and have no hermy traits in the heritage will be fairly tolerant and hard to stress enough to cause male flowers on your should be fems.

you can also up the female ratios in a crop by using a male hermie too if you wanted to take that path but id try to keep away from them alltogether.

is this dont make sense im sorry om pretty tired ehy

peace out

Illegal Smile

I think what has happened in the seed market is that newness and trendiness drives prices instead of quality and genetic stability. The latest cool thing will fetch a high price but it hasn't even been around long enough to know what its merits and issues are. But it is hard to find these "stable" old strains, at least in fem seeds and for US delivery. If I were buying a fair quantity of seeds today, and for me that is maybe 20, I would buy Barney's Farm Blue Cheese from Attitude at 10 fem seeds for $84. Anyone got a rec on an alternative Indica, I'm open to it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was gonna buy reg seeds anyway, I wanted to play with cross breading them and another strain I have that is excellent to grow and smoke.
This kinda stuff makes me a little more weary of banks....
I really want some of their Dog Nutz seeds but they are so high and I dont wanna pay that when I can germ
stuff I got and it will make it to harvest LOL
They have a nice 50 pack I would love to have like 1194.00 yeah Im gonna pay that and have em not germ, my luck customs would bust it.


Well-Known Member
the seed market runs on three/four mainstream methods to pricing when you think about it, it comes down to these three things

the new trend-
- word of mouth and what not will call for a boom in a breeders career. when a strain is very highly talked about it fetches a fair cost for its reputation. this is what you are paying for. and a lot of these arent stable or true breeding which makes them good for that grow and that grow alone unless cloned or in the hands of an advanced breeder. subcool is a good example of this kind of breeder with his deep purple and querkle. except his genetics seem to be sound apparently.. i dont know hopefully ill be able to report on that maself sometime soon.

(basicaly popularity)

the winners
strains that have one an award will generally get a good price and maintain on from there on in. after all hey have won the approval.

also in some cases if the breeders feeling nice he may stabilize it eventally and make it true breeding for the customer also. which brings me to my next point

stable strains
these will fetch a good price because there genetics are stable and very easy to reproduce. these strains ave normally been around for a while and are worth the price.

Landrace strains.
sometimes cheap sometimes not. worth it though (sorry im bored)

seeds that havent proven themselves or come from dodgy unstable breeders fetch
low prices (unless fromm a ripoff shop that is)

you pay for what you get a good seedbank will charge you appropriatly if you know what your looking for (or at)

some of the better strains are actually the older ones which have been around for a while and proven themselves well. the only reason they dont fetch as much anymore is because people have found that new saviour or something new to focus on.