Who prefers the high from edibles to that from a bong?


Well-Known Member
Hello people well the question is as in the title. I haven't had much experience with edible highs and am currently experiencing one now and I must say that my head feels alot more clear than it does when I have hit a billy. What are your opinions?


New Member
This question has as many answers as flowers have aromas!

Someone should ask a government scientist why the highs are different.

That way we would have answers we can trust are the healthiest for us.

Psychoactive=MORE Mind.

More mind cannot be healthy.

The FDA says so.

green fan

Active Member
This question has as many answers as flowers have aromas!

I enjoy chocolate flowers.

I am on an edible kick. I really enjoy eating then forgetting that I ate any and getting wonderfully stoned and hour or two later, lasts so much longer, really helps me sleep, and stay stealthily high around a lot of people (i.e. concerts, movies, mall, you name it) plus you can also hit the bong!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
i preffer to eat and smoke, both are nice. But eating def gets me high for longer, i just really enjoy smoking so im not sure.


Active Member
Edibles by far when done right are my favorite way to consume marijuana, not only do i avoid the smells but the affects last a lot longer than with a bong hoot. IMO


Well-Known Member
I haven't had enough experience but I am pretty sure that ingesting pot is by far more powerful than smoking it.
I just can never afford enough weed at once to cook up a batch of butter or something.

But yeah making cannabutter and just using that on a bunch of stuff is way better than smoking.


Well-Known Member
It lasts soo much longer when you eat it! I like to eat whatever it is then smoke a small bowl. After the bowl subsides the edible starts to kick in with a totally different high.