Who said 10,000K metal halides are no good?


Active Member

I reacently posted a msg asking if 10,000K metal halides could be used for the vegitative stage of plant growth and many people replied and said hell no its way outside the range for non aquatic plants, i had already put a bid on a 150W 10K marine metal halide setup and ended up winning it. so last week i got bored and thought hmm maybe i should give it a try anyways so i fitted the light to my vegitative closet and removed 2 cfls. i was used to seeing extremely slow growth using the cfls, any how the result of 1 weeks growth using the 10K marine metal halide, i'd estimate it would take me 3 weeks to get to this stage using only 6400k cfls normally and the plants look healthier then the previous batch that were vegitated only using cfls.

anyways i guess its just another case of people that have not tried these things commenting to sound like they know alot.

my advice is that 10K metal halides are awesome and i will continue to use this lamp against their advice

Regards morbid79angel



Well-Known Member
all i see is e-foil blankets at the walls and some plants that look mistreated to me. to create stretching i just have to place the light source a further away, but i don't won't stretching so i leaf my CFLs just where they are:D

by the way, you double-posting...


Active Member
agree'd their is 1 plant that has a huge problem from a stem injury and an infection that hasn't grown for about 3 weeks but its a really nice strain and im trying to save it for a friend but the rest of them are very healthy.


Active Member
and the foil that u see is not foil but a mylar emergency solar blanket y pay good money for a roll of it when u can get these for 50c for a 2400mm x 1365 sheet ?


Well-Known Member
either get Mylar or go plain white... i would just saddle for plain white paint;) that e-blanket sucks since it is not real Mylar and folded-crinkled like this it will create hotspots as big as trucks! okay, not really that big but big enough to do damage out there;) get it down;)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
MH is a good veg light 150 watt is pretty small but still way better then cfls but cost more to run. I use 1000 watt mh lights for my vegging. Those plants do look like death lol that about the size of my plants at day 6 though