Who says you can't grow under small lights


Active Member
Here is the end of my latest SCROG grow in a small cabinet under a 150 watt light (MH for veg then HPS to flower). I'll get about 3 - 3 1/2 oz's dried off this lovely lady. So for you first timers you don't need big lights to get started.

Happy Growing!




Well-Known Member
Here is the end of my latest SCROG grow in a small cabinet under a 150 watt light (MH for veg then HPS to flower). I'll get about 3 - 3 1/2 oz's dried off this lovely lady. So for you first timers you don't need big lights to get started.

Happy Growing!


congratulations on your grow, i'm jealous. as for the light you;ve used, its a lot more lumens than the typical two cfl's that noobies start with.


Active Member
You could always get yourself a 150 watt HPS security light from the depot for about 60-70 bucks and wire an extension cord to it. that is how I started out. HPS is perfectly fine for veg and flowering.


Active Member
Thanks to all for the kudos

I just harvested a couple of days ago after about 10 weeks of flowering. A few years back an old friend of mine sent me some seeds, he lives in Seattle. They are predominantly Indica, or so I thought. But the last time I took some cuttings off the mom one of them showed more sativa traits so I thought I would give it a go. Sure enough that is how it developed with narrower leaves and wider spacing between internodes, and of course longer flowering.

I tried a taste and it has a real nice heady high so it worked out. It was a bit of a challenge growing in a tight space though and required constant taming but I think it was worth it. The screen really helped and definitely increased the yield so if you ask me SCROG is the way to go for small spaces.

Happy Growing!


Active Member
Just about 1/2 lb of buds wet. Should dry to about 3-4 oz's. Not bad off 1 plant through an 18" square screen. that's over 2 oz's a sq foot, which is a good yield no matter how you're growing.


Well-Known Member
thats very good i would be happy with 4oz of dry bud and i have 8 plants flowering. so you just put a screen in their so the plants get support


Active Member
The screen supports the branches but more importantly it holds the branches in place allowing you to train the plant by spreading out the branches out horizontally. This gives most of the branches equal opportunity to the light and helps control the height so you can grow in much less vertical space (the height below my light is around 2 feet). It also requires less light because you don’t need to penetrate a taller, denser plant.

As a result each branch develops more fully, flowering along the entire length with a nice bud on top. The lower branches develop the largest because their branches are thicker (more… water + nutrients + light = bigger buds).

When you grow a plant vertically the upper branches partially block the light to the heavier lower branches. So it makes sense to open up the plant to give the biggest producers (second to the main stem) more light and more growing area.