Who supports the radical left here?

I'd like to write a book on cancel culture but I'm supposed to be working lol.
No worries ,when you do have time, feel free to.

It boils down to labelling people as enemies because they made an insensitive comment, sometimes decades ago.
Does it have to be decades ago? Or does having some screwball old lady that has also been radicalized online turning into a troll threatening the work product of hundreds of people because of a tweet get fired count?

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So now we are supposed to shame them forever, no room for forgiveness. This guys explains exactly what it means to be a "cancel culture" person. It's insane to think that so many world elites are tied to child trafficking through Jeff Epstein, but we would rather give more attention and shame a comedian on an offensive joke.

It depends, is there really anyone good enough that is not replaceable?

Also evoking Epstein seriously? Is that also a left-right issue to you and not a Trump troll issue?
By 'infringing' what do you mean? I don't see how say taking a statue down is 'infringing' on your rights for example. Nor telling people that saying racist shit is 'racist' is that either.

And I already said that if that is what you consider 'radical left' it is a different definition than one I would use. You defiantly listed a lot of things I disagree with but don't associate it with anything other than mentally challenged people who most likely are brainwashed by the Russian militaries attack that Trump has allowed to continue.

By infringing I mean removing the choice altogether. I may not agree with everything Jordan Peterson has to say, but I'll defend his right to say it, and anyone's right to listen to him and come to their own conclusions.

Look, cancel culture is not a purely left perspective/tactic. Look at the religious nutters trying to "cancel" a woman's right to control her own body. Same idea, different ideology.
By infringing I mean removing the choice altogether. I may not agree with everything Jordan Peterson has to say, but I'll defend his right to say it, and anyone's right to listen to him and come to their own conclusions.

Look, cancel culture is not a purely left perspective/tactic. Look at the religious nutters trying to "cancel" a woman's right to control her own body. Same idea, different ideology.
Right on so I can get on board with your cancel culture definition at this point. I just disagree that anyone is forcing people to not talk.

I just think I may differ on what you would say is an example of it.

Actually not true, Trump had Barr illegally turn Cohen into an American being held in prison to not act on his 1st amendment rights. But I am not counting that as the norm. This would be a good example of cancel culture in my definition of it.

Removing statues is something else in the news that I disagree is an example of cancel culture. I don't see it as anything else than removing very expensive graffiti that white supremacists have put up around our nation.

Some are obvious. Some are not. I trust no one fully.
Unless you know someone in real life there is no logical reason people should expect you to think that they are not a troll waiting to pounce on any sign of your mentally low moment.
By infringing I mean removing the choice altogether. I may not agree with everything Jordan Peterson has to say, but I'll defend his right to say it, and anyone's right to listen to him and come to their own conclusions.

Look, cancel culture is not a purely left perspective/tactic. Look at the religious nutters trying to "cancel" a woman's right to control her own body. Same idea, different ideology.
Hate speech is not free speech, free speech encourages freedom for all, hate speech has been driven from the public sphere to dog whistles, even Trump, he just blows the whistle into a bullhorn. Social norms change over time and today we have social media enforcing them or forcibly evolving them. These norms go hand in hand with human rights and freedom, it wasn't that long ago the N word was used in public, not so much any more.

Perhaps people sense that these neurotic snowflakes on social media are the trend of the future, the retarded become challenged, the crippled handicapped, and brown people are spared needless insult. This was also viewed as cancel culture as some people resisted the habits of a lifetime and adapted to a new more compassionate linguistic norm.
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Hate speech is not free speech, free speech encourages freedom for all, hate speech has be driven from the public sphere to dog whistles, even Trump, he just blows the whistle into a bullhorn. Social norms change over time and today we have social media enforcing them or forcibly evolving them. These norms go hand in hand with human rights and freedom, it wasn't that long ago the N word was used in public, not so much any more.

Perhaps people sense that these neurotic snowflakes on social media are the trend of the future, the retarded become challenged, the crippled handicapped, and brown people are spared needless insult. This was also viewed as cancel culture as some people resisted the habits of a lifetime and adapted to a new more compassionate linguistic norm.

I never said I supported hate speech, and I clearly do not. Just because I don't agree with Jordan Peterson doesn't mean he and people, both in agreement and disagreement, aren't part of the more important, broader conversation. Opposing views are the key to evidentiary analysis, and to leave one hypothesis unchecked is irresponsible. Canceling something or someone because you simply disagree with the person/premise is wrong in practice and approach.

Social media is the bain of existence.
It's mob mentality. Put you're hand up or we are going to outcast you.

Reminds me of this historical image.

nazis were fascist. the far left is anti-fascist. hence antifa.
I never said I supported hate speech, and I clearly do not. Just because I don't agree with Jordan Peterson doesn't mean he and people, both in agreement and disagreement, aren't part of the more important, broader conversation. Opposing views are the key to evidentiary analysis, and to leave one hypothesis unchecked is irresponsible.
Completely agree. But once the rigorous process is followed to come up with a hypothesis (and not just an opinion), and it get's shone to be faulty, that ends it until the person comes up with a fix to that portion of their arguments and can show it will then hold up.

Canceling something or someone because you simply disagree with the person/premise is wrong in practice and approach.

Social media is the bain of existence.
I am not sure if you mean moderators here or not, because it has the whiff of a icy like small particle floating in the air, but I don't consider them deleting posts/banning sock puppets as cancel culture either. Sorry if I am out of line saying that (if you don't mean that at all), I very well could be jumping the gun on saying that.

And disagreeing is not canceling them, like protestors and such.

But I agree social media is such a potent weapon against our society. But that is just because it is such a good tool. People just need to learn how it is being used against them in large enough numbers to overcome the way it can isolate and prey on them.
I look at cancel culture more on the lines of supply and demand.
If there’s no demand, then surely there’s no supply.
Am I missing the idea?
They didn’t want ivanka at their graduation ceremony so they canceled her.
The far right like the proud boys and their kind are a tiny minority, and like all tRUmp supporters they are not to smart. The jeniuses think they are the only ones with guns, I hope they try some stupid shit when tRUmp gets landslided, so they can die for their orange god.
The far right like the proud boys and their kind are a tiny minority, and like all tRUmp supporters they are not to smart. The jeniuses think they are the only ones with guns, I hope they try some stupid shit when tRUmp gets landslided, so they can die for their orange god.
I just made some firearm purchases.
Black lesbian jew democrat living in the swamp.
The far right like the proud boys and their kind are a tiny minority, and like all tRUmp supporters they are not to smart. The jeniuses think they are the only ones with guns, I hope they try some stupid shit when tRUmp gets landslided, so they can die for their orange god.
navy and yellow striped polo shirts show up really well in my scope. just sayin.