Who they want you to vote for


New Member
This is who they would like you to vote for in 2012:

Obama/Biden(Pro War, Pro Corporation, Pro Drug War)
Perry/Palin (Pro War, Pro Corporation, Pro Drug War)

Lets hope that is not our "choice" but this is what they want it to be.

The Mexican President thanks governor Perry from the state of texas for educating his people:

Governor Perry's Immigration Policy allows Mexicans to go to college in America and become American citizens in only 3 years.

Interestingly enough Obama supports the same plan, dubbed as Trans-pacific globalization and includes a global curreny uniting North America under one nation. Obama wants to not only do this in addition to the building the NAFTA super highway and high speed rail. The plan is a essentially a one world government? WTF......Its like an alex jones wet dream here.....Unfortunately not only is this the wet dream of media sensationalist Alex Jones..this is the wet dream of the banks and corporations!


Below - Rick Perrys Texas Tries to get the highway built and is met with thousands of protesters who are arrested. Ultimately the people of texas have won for now.




Active Member
Lol, your right, Im worried Alex Jones might have an aneurysm.
Politics is properly fucked up worldwide. Here in the UK we had the 'choice' of 3 parties, the leaders of which all went to school together and attended the same societies. In the end, due to our unbelievable complicated voting system, we now have a 'coalition' government meaning two of them teamed up and run it together. No one advocating anything as 'radical' as decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis has even been considered. Whats more, Like Obama did to you, before being sworn in, all parties had promises which we got all excited about, none of them ever did what they said they would. Sound familiar? Obama said he was going to close Guantanamo, he actually expanded it. The 'Liberal Democrats' here, got the majority of the student vote since they said that tuition fees would definately not be increased, a few months after they came into the coalition, fees have trippled in most places. Im constantly gobsmacked that anyone has any faith in the system, you can destroy your ballot in any country under a common law system (basically english language countries), go in there and in front of the queue of people tear up your ballot, I would encourage you and everyone you know to do this (or vote Ron paul and watch him get assasinated)