I don't agree with that at all. Cannabis is a plant, you are one of the ones trying to exploit.
just because you have land you think your the only privileged one to get to smoke it at a reasonable price!!!
how is it fair for the people who cant grow it?? whos gunna grow it for them if the only people growing are people growing only for themselves!! do you see how stupid what your suggesting is???
like really think about it!!!
you can have huge commercial guys who dont give two shits about the bud they grow, they just wanna make money.. same with alot of the clubs and all the club prices are out of this world retarded
you can you have caregivers who have a small patient list who are supplied medical grade marijuana at almost 5 dollars a gram!!!!! how the fuck am i exploiting anything!!! nobody sells for that cheap. im trying to make this plant more affordable for people who really need it and dont have the abbility to grow it..
you know alot of the termanily ill medical marijuana patients couldent get around a garden to grow there own meds... so who do you think does that?? a care giver thats who
your closed minded as a mother fucker why dont you think about other people than yourself for a change