Who uses meth........


c meth what are you frking crazy, why you are at it get some syringes load them up and inject them in both eyes, and if that's not enough snort some drano u p your nose .lol


Well-Known Member
i mean,come on..we all know its bad stuff...but i do side with the "to each their own" philosophy when it comes to drugs,taken responsibly...


Well-Known Member
i know asain countries have problems with pressed speed pills.."shabu" i think is what its called..something along those lines,i forget..


Well-Known Member
yabba is the Thailand name for pressed meth pills i think?, these where SR 1 jobbys, came from canada (im uk and unless u like a cock lolol theres no meth here strictly the gay scene)



Well-Known Member
drugs are drugs ive seen people go mad n i mean into a hospital mad from weed alone, if your not educated enough to know that hard drugs are not to be taken often then well wise up, cause all these fucking YOUR GONNA DIE or BE HOOKED on ya first try is shite, unless your a dumb fuck!!!


Well-Known Member
drugs are drugs ive seen people go mad n i mean into a hospital mad from weed alone, if your not educated enough to know that hard drugs are not to be taken often then well wise up, cause all these fucking YOUR GONNA DIE or BE HOOKED on ya first try is shite, unless your a dumb fuck!!!
What a wonderful, coherent, run on sentence!

Research is key to any drug use. Always be knowledgeable about what one puts in their body.

I know someone who died on their first hit of H. It happens so certainly not shit. Just be educated, know your source, know serious side effects, and beware of signs of addicition.

Otherwise have a wonderful, safe, and enjoyable time.


Well-Known Member
shit this is old,i been using meth since 1972,back then it was all natural,home made "ammonia",dimetapp,and i think i tasted egg and cinnamon
and im the one that originally invented "crack",it was an accident really,i needed a secret stash for my coca,because those strippers that raised me had a terrible habit,but none of those bitches cooked or baked,so i figured "hey lemme just hide this inside one of these"(pointing at the box of baking soda).but that "mistake"turned out to be the greatest thing since Quaaludes,because after a mean sniff,smoke and incest session i totally forgot about my coke in the baking soda,and i decided that i wanted to make brownies,but as soon as i grabbed the box i remembered my stash,but i was fucked because the wrapped piece of plastic that had the sniff in opened up and some soda got in,so i figured why dont i just make coke juice and let it evaporate over the stove and voila! the first sample of crack was made.... im a living legend,without a chemistry degree

edit,i was joking for those that dont know....
Ha... natural, lol.


Well-Known Member
It is always the same, "our drug is better/safer/more natural/more powerful than yours". And then, a group of people who survived 90 years of propaganda about pot are willing to perpetuate it about another substance. This of course, followed quickly by the same sort of mythology that even today hovers around pot. None of you believe that pot is a gateway drug, you don't believe that it will make you lazy, you don't think it will make male breasts larger, but those are some of the myths surrounding it. Why then are you all willing to accept another set of myths about another substance?

Knowlege, accurate and truthful should be the only weapon one needs to combat not only drug deaths but propaganda.

First, just because something is made using a certain chemical does not mean that chemical is in the new molecule. Second, even if it is, it may not have any effect. Those of you who eat black olives should be aware that black olives are made with . . . DRAIN CLEANER. Does that make the olive dangerous? Hardly.
I admit that it is possible for basement meth makers to leave bad things in their product however. Most often I have discovered only that they really didn't make their intended product but were left with ephedrine, thinking this was what meth is all about.

Meth does not destroy your mouth, as someone said, it is lack of saliva and a penchant for meth users to ignore oral hygene.
Meth is not classically addicting in that the user does not go through withdrawals upon cessation. This may be better than what the user actually goes through, a depression, a feeling that nothing can ever again be done without the use of the chemical.

Meth or it's relatives is prescribed for weight loss, where it rarely works, for sleep disorders and for certain sorts of attention deficit disorders. It is or was also dispensed to our military when it was deemed necessary to keep soldiers or airmen alert for protracted periods of time. Few of them ever got addicted, meth mouths, permanent disorders of cognition or the like. Most of them managed to keep their jobs and careers, their wives and their homes.

That is the good news. The bad news is that it is a very alluring substance. It can be used to stay high for long periods, in fact in most cases it will burn off any other drug one may take. You can drink all night while using meth and never get stumbling drunk. Sex is....... different, but you will look like a champ to your woman, at least as long as you limit your use.

It is so alluring that many people want to stay on it all the time. Tolerance is slow to build - surprisingly, so you can go on very long binges or cycles of crash and binge. If you like being superman for a day, this drug is for you, but it doesn't take all that long to where your ability to be productive turns to psychotic style minutia.

I took meth for about two years. I used it to stay awake, alert and productive when I commuted almost two hours to work, in the evening and got home mid morning the following day. It worked. Until I began using it during holidays and my time off, just to get things done around the house. It is said you can always tell a meth head by how clean the cupboard under the sink is. That may be true for the short haul. I found myself wrapping all of my tools with rubber grips, making wall panels for them with outlines for the tools. I have found myself sitting with a 5 lb bag of peanuts in order to shuck each one - two piles, peanuts and shells. I wasn't hungry so I gave the nuts away. How many times does on need to wd-40 every hinge in the house? I did it every few weeks. Mindless and ultimately unproductive activity. One Christmas I decided to dump my stash into the toilet as I figured I no longer needed it, I couldn't. So I wound up in rehab, chasing handfuls of skittles with quarts of coke. I could not get enough sugar, and the caffeine didn't hurt. But I didn't look any different after my stint, I still had the same amount of teeth, my house, my cars, my wife (for a little longer) and the rest.

Ultimately, meth is like any other drug, it has benefits and it has drawbacks. The scale goes either way, some drugs have more good than bad, some have more bad than good. Meth has very little on the good side, it is hard on your body, tough on your mind and the more lasting effects are less than desireable. It burns though you like a fire, consuming your health by keeping you amped all the time. It is said that a man's life is measured by the number of heart beats, that each person is allocated a specific number of them and no more. If this is so, then you are shortening your life by taking meth.


It makes you feel really really great for a long time, it lets you stay awake, stay alert and for the short time be actually more productive than had you not taken it, in the short haul, it helps you direct your concentration and maybe you will lose a few pounds in the process.

Your call.


Well-Known Member
smoke that gack!..lol
well said as usual canndo..i did the same thing basically as you,but with a little more partying and a few holes in my arm..ugg..bad times,but,benificial in my life path for the long run..i did lose a tooth,years later,to an olive pit!..guess you gotta give the devil whats due....


Well-Known Member
smoke that gack!..lol
well said as usual canndo..i did the same thing basically as you,but with a little more partying and a few holes in my arm..ugg..bad times,but,benificial in my life path for the long run..i did lose a tooth,years later,to an olive pit!..guess you gotta give the devil whats due....
I quit the hole in the arm thing with coke. Putting a new one in my arm every hour or so had me question the entire practice. Base was about as good, but I vowed not to do either thing, luckily, long before I encountered meth. Oh yes, I had bennies, black beauties, preluding, dexies long before but they didn't seem to apply. My downfall was that the guy who gave me the meth owed me a whole lot of money. He was a guard at a large aerospace firm and made a small fortune at the gate every morning. I wonder sometimes if I should have held out for the cash, but a baggie with half an oz of pure product looked at the time to be far more valuable than mere cash.

At rehab they used to tell us that we should compute how much money we spent on our drug of choice and they all went nuts when I said "not one dime"


Well-Known Member
good post canndo.

a friend of mine is in his mid 50s and him and his old lady are speed freaks, he smoked it for about 30 years and now his heart is literally fucked and dude is just in terrible health. he probably won't make it much longer. they would stay up 3 or 4 days at a time though, and maintained that cycle for yeeears. so yeah, it definitely can be bad. dude still has all his teeth though and is pretty sharp minded


Well-Known Member
yea canndo,never spent money on a drug but twice...i bought an 8ball of good blow for a friends birthday,and,well,im still trying to find the bottom of that nitrous tank..lol...a hole every hour? "wyatt,youre an oak!"...i looked like a dartboard when i did that stuff...bad times...


Well-Known Member
What a wonderful, coherent, run on sentence!

Research is key to any drug use. Always be knowledgeable about what one puts in their body.

I know someone who died on their first hit of H. It happens so certainly not shit. Just be educated, know your source, know serious side effects, and beware of signs of addicition.

Otherwise have a wonderful, safe, and enjoyable time.
and i know someone who spent a fair amount of time in a mental hosp after smoking weed for a short time, i also know someone who spent a loooong time in the nuthouse after taking mushrooms drugs are bad mmmkay thats my point its all illegal in the uk we have no medical etc but point is drugs aint good for ya they can kill you, mess your mind etc etc whatever drug that may be we are all different n have different tolerance's to different drugs.

yes meth im shore is a very bad drug and has destroyed many a life but in todays world we all know what harddrugs can do, and i doubt very much your friend died from smoking heroin??? he shot up another dumb fuck...........


Well-Known Member
and i know someone who spent a fair amount of time in a mental hosp after smoking weed for a short time, i also know someone who spent a loooong time in the nuthouse after taking mushrooms drugs are bad mmmkay thats my point its all illegal in the uk we have no medical etc but point is drugs aint good for ya they can kill you, mess your mind etc etc whatever drug that may be we are all different n have different tolerance's to different drugs.

yes meth im shore is a very bad drug and has destroyed many a life but in todays world we all know what harddrugs can do, and i doubt very much your friend died from smoking heroin??? he shot up another dumb fuck...........
so why are you on this fourmmmm.....


Well-Known Member
cause i like drugs but i know the dangers, i grow n sell weed not something im proud of its just a earn, i also take many a drug on occasion but i dont think for a minute they are doing me anygood they just feel gooooood at time of taking i been taking drugs a very long time its nothing to be proud of but it just irks me with all the your gonna die on the frist hit or your gonna get hooked, ffs people die many a people from taking simple script drugs and have a allergic reaction to them etc

do u think his friend died from smoking???? no he put a needle in his arm and in this day n age we all know where that can lead or can cause.