Who wants to do A co-op?within 100 mls n of San Fran only


Well-Known Member
Man, you guys are really stupid! I hope it all works out for you but finding a random grow partner online just is not the way to go about these things...

No. Im not stupid im a legal caregiver and marijuana patient. Us nothern californians arent stupid we have some special rights thats all. INcluding in different counties like humboldt there is no plant limit its a canopy of 100 sq feet

and thats legal, and not the biggest amount allowed.


Active Member
Well its hard to get the equip and its equally as hard to get the space. Doing a quiet stealth grow borders on Insanity and obsession followed by satisfaction!


Well-Known Member
lmao... @ baz... on the other hand, bleezy way to call him out. meeting him up @ a local dispensary = smartest thing u can do.... atta boy ;)


Active Member
Hey , once again.

I've got the equip.

Who's got the space?

and Baz you are a fuckin genius CFL grower. please school me.


Well-Known Member
shit man ill take a 6 month vaca to move to cali to get in on that for free, all legal and all, too bad im not a citizen, and i got way too many priors to even get let in for a fucking day pass in NY to go see a fuckin NFL game, fuckin customs


Active Member
Ok ,

so all the people who want to a>learn how to grow,b>have the space to do 5-10000 watts and c>have the balls............feel free to PM me



Well-Known Member
lol i know how to grow and damn well have the balls to bump out a house like that, its just too bad im not in the area, or the country for that matter i would do it in a second with you if i was


Well-Known Member
dude, you gotta be a cop asking such a dumb question on an open forum. or either your asking for a cop to reply to your ad. take that iddish to CRAIG'S LIST