Who was/is a better president, Bush or Obama?


Well-Known Member
When I lived in Florida, I used to go fishing at the pier. I got to know an old black gentleman; fishing acquaintances you might say. Anyway, he really cracked me up one day when we were talking politics. He said, "ten of them can't run a McDonald's, why the hell would you think one of them could run a country". I have a lot of respect for Obama because in the beginning he tried to run the office as it was meant to be ran, but he got steamrolled by all the "politicians". I didn't vote for him, but I certainly didn't vote for McCain. I was just worried that Obama wouldn't have enough experience. I think it was a travesty that he got the Nobel prize, because he got it because he wasn't Bush; is what I think. Anyway, I still think Bush is a criminal and one of the worst presidents we have ever had. He destabilized a whole region, ran the country into the ground, violated privacy and did not honor the legislature; just to name a few. Now I see in the papers that Bush's approval rating is going up??? How soon we forget.
You know I saw that. The thing I can say, there is nothing more irrelevant than an Ex-President's approval rating, that is unless your entire world view depends on Hate Bush. Now you seem confused. But you should see it as most of the Hate was manufactured and there is no need to maintain it as a drum beat, any more.

This is a game, in which it is best to watch the future of what the outcome of what a President allowed on his watch. Now the drum beats turns against the incumbent, the Lame Duck, as usual.

And of course, the last guy can recover from his gut slitting. Now it's Obama's turn.


Well-Known Member
Bush did not rally the nation after 9/11..you must not be from the US.
Yes he did, you guys were chomping at the bit to invade Afghanistan, I'm sorry but it's a fact.

90% approval rating for that little "soiree".

Obama probably has never had 90% of anything, hence why he won't release how college records.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yes he did, you guys were chomping at the bit to invade Afghanistan, I'm sorry but it's a fact.

90% approval rating for that little "soiree".

Obama probably has never had 90% of anything, hence why he won't release how college records.
That little soiree was justified, the Taliban deserved their JDAM good time. I still think it was a good idea. Where we went wrong was in staying for the next ten years. Militarily, we were done after about 90 days.

Iraq is another matter, we should not have set foot in that shit hole, although putting the entire blame on Bush is dishonest. Hillary and her merry band of congressman/senators were very supportive of the Iraq invasion, in fact they authorized it.


Well-Known Member
That little soiree was justified, the Taliban deserved their JDAM good time. I still think it was a good idea. Where we went wrong was in staying for the next ten years. Militarily, we were done after about 90 days.

Iraq is another matter, we should not have set foot in that shit hole, although putting the entire blame on Bush is dishonest. Hillary and her merry band of congressman/senators were very supportive of the Iraq invasion, in fact they authorized it.
No, you think that dog pony show of Powell in public UN session, had anything to do with this? DUMB.

When you see these big coalitions carry things out, all is very well known. You can blame the US, but everyone backed our play to kill Sadam. You can act so smug as to think we can fool the UN, but we can't fool Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany. etc.

He tried to kill a sitting US President. For that he died. His sons died. The other guys we hanged for other reasons. We had a very lawful, UN sanctioned reason. Killings and attempts on national leaders by UN signers is not allowed. We did the will of the UN there.

What you were told, was the Cover Pap, that most people understood, as just that. The UN members in private knew the truth. You and a small handful choked on Pap, is all.

The fact that you can't figure out what is REAL.....stop hating Bush?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
No, you think that dog pony show of Powell in public UN session, had anything to do with this? DUMB.

When you see these big coalitions carry things out, all is very well known. You can blame the US, but everyone backed our play to kill Sadam. You can act so smug as to think we can fool the UN, but we can't fool Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany. etc.

He tried to kill a sitting US President. For that he died. His sons died. The other guys we hanged for other reasons. We had a very lawful, UN sanctioned reason. Killings and attempts on national leaders by UN signers is not allowed. We did the will of the UN there.

What you were told, was the Cover Pap, that most people understood, as just that. The UN members in private knew the truth. You and a small handful choked on Pap, is all.

The fact that you can't figure out what is REAL.....stop hating Bush?
Doer, I think your writing comprehension has failed you.


Well-Known Member
did you reading compensation fail you?

the stimulus did not cost 5000 american lives, it gave you tax breaks and wider highways.

It mostly just cost taxpayers a shitload of wasted money when Europe was just as successful with austerity.

The Keynesian Kenyan is an inept and unremitting failure (that one's for you, Buck).


Well-Known Member
The Keynesian Kenyan and his Klan are still very popular amongst the dems.
I just don't know why they've all got such brown noses for Obama (no racial connotations, implied or otherwise), why can't they just say "Fucker tricked us with his bullshit, should've elected Hillary Benghazi-Clitoris instead" ??


New Member
That little soiree was justified, the Taliban deserved their JDAM good time. I still think it was a good idea. Where we went wrong was in staying for the next ten years. Militarily, we were done after about 90 days.

Iraq is another matter, we should not have set foot in that shit hole, although putting the entire blame on Bush is dishonest. Hillary and her merry band of congressman/senators were very supportive of the Iraq invasion, in fact they authorized it.
Nah the Bush White houses priority was never Afghanistan. Iraq was the main concern, Af/Pak not so much...


Well-Known Member
Nah the Bush White houses priority was never Afghanistan. Iraq was the main concern, Af/Pak not so much...
I agreed with that and still believe it was the right thing to do out of all of the bad choices and no good ones.


New Member
The tragedy of lost life aside, they're both turning out pretty shitty.( True dat) I seem to recall that along with ending the war in Iraq (Happened) and closing Gitmo ( didn't happen) (Congress nixed that), Obama also promised to end the Patriot Act (didn't happen). ( True dat) Since he instead renewed it and signed the NDAA into law; the NSA and FBI now has access to ALL my phone metadata for ALL of my calls. At least from April to July of this year, but who knows if it will be a continuing thing?. That's a grievous overreach, and lends validity to a concerning mindset of "Fuck your rights, it's to prevent terrorism".
We must wonder who his handlers are...............Hmmmmmm general dynamics, Westinghouse, Munitions suppliers of all sorts, electronic surveillance companies, drone mfgrs., etc, etc, etc.


New Member
I agreed with that and still believe it was the right thing to do out of all of the bad choices and no good ones.
you mean you supported the Iraqi endeavour over the Afghani?
I'm the opposite; Afghanistan was a bad choice but better than Iraq. Pakistan should've been a focus too, as it's easier to consider it a bunch of failed states rather than a country. Our failing to secure the afghani borders during "jawbreaker" also led to the mass exodus of crazies... They seem to have re-surfaced* in nth. Africa aided by some of the AP states

*the term re-surfaced is open to interpretation


Well-Known Member
To me, it's like you are at the Zoo, exactly between the chimp and the monkey cages....
They are both throwing poop your way, which kind of poop do you want to get hit by...
That's the question....
On top of all the war bs, blood shed caused by going to war...
I blame Bush for ruining the construction economy in CA...
"Home ownership to anyone that wants a home" Bush quote loosely...
The bubble burst, and there will be no longer that type of work again in CA...for me...
Dislike whom ever.... To me, Bush was an idiot....
Obama... Is just another slimey political hack...


Well-Known Member
It mostly just cost taxpayers a shitload of wasted money when Europe was just as successful with austerity.

The Keynesian Kenyan is an inept and unremitting failure (that one's for you, Buck).
remind me of the unemployment rate where austerity was implemented, like spain (26.7%) or greece (27%) or italy (11.5%).

yeah, what a fucking success! and all we got was the largest tax break in american history, some wider highways, an immediate reversal of the massive job losses, and some advances in renewable tech.

who wouldn't opt for austerity and 27% unemployment instead?



The Keynesian Kenyan and his Klan are still very popular amongst the dems.
nice race bait from the racist who thinks that the achievement gap is based on melanin rather than centuries of persecution.



New Member
Georgia-born Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wrote on page 21 of the September 1928 edition of the Klan’s “The Kourier Magazine”: “I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.”


Well-Known Member
the holocaust denying, white supremacist aussie comes through with a very relevant and current contribution.

thank you!