Who will be the first LP Granted an Import Permit?


Well-Known Member
what a moronic idea support organized crime from other countries that we cant enforce laws upon instead of actually dealing with canadians that were abusing the system. the judge is gonna be pissed hc didnt follow the judges decision. simple
very true.....no conscience required and less true testing...organized crime,organized pollution,organized tax evasion,organized organization,who is really affected? the poor...especially in countries,where land is in short supply.
If a crop pays more ...to the organized types...than existance farming....for locals ..pretty good chance that lands going into production for organized individuals. (locals better enjoy eating MJ)
Those judges should be P-O'd at Health Canada...
Almost like you have a hand in the door at HC (punky)?????


Active Member
Anyone see the vice video? Illegal grower in there says he hopes Harper stays in power to keep prices up.