hahah my mainlining is a little off then lol.
I got a few "off the beaten trail ML's" in there
You should check out the mainline thread Donnie. It's super interesting with pics to boot.
So I saw one of Gary's cousins last night and he told me some crazy stories about G. Guy. Is. Nuts. ,
Haha he has a reputation,,, he earned more garden cred with another kill this morning! Another blue wasp, its pretty cool to see this happen lol all wakey bakey and what not

This time when he saw it he just gunned it and ran several feet, hopping from plant to plant to get to it., waisting no time, but he did miss the first attempt hahaha he faceplanted into the wall

He got it soon after that though... Way to go Gary! even though it is possible that its a beneficial insect (parasitic wasp)... possible.
Just noticed its been 5 days since my last updat? I didnt even notice... Plants are looking good and have started their dark cycle before the flip

exciting times. I still need to build some screens for the vert side.
edit: updat was a typo but I think i'll keep it