Hey WhoD, do you follow sub's recipe for SS or are you using your own? I know you posted your recipe in the 600 a loooong time ago. MVK in the horizontal showing some awesome potential already! I think you'll like the rings alot. I'd use them every time if I were you, I've seen your buds. Fuggin HEAVY son! Nugs likes to do exactly what you're doing at first and then attach them to the rings with pipe cleaners or garden ties after the stretch when they start to add weight. FLOP playa, FLOP FLOP (upside down colaz) lol nu-night.
Iv actually been using a hybrid of subs and vicks SS, I made it over a year and a half ago so I cant tell you exactly what it is. I had good results using subs and good results using vicks, I had amazing results with the hybrid and the additional use of teas.
"Would ya look at that" I forgot about that shit lol Dude is soooooooo annoying!
This was the ak in my rrdwc system. 4 plants, I think this came out to just about 5lbs.
Do u have any pix left of that ak47 u where just talking about i just wanna see if it the same one im thinking of cuz those where some the biggesst assed buds i think i ever seen indoors i couldnt have imagined what woulda happened if u did those gals outside mang would been spic on tooooo many levels yo dang man! Bringing back some memories now shweeeeeet!
The one and only
A week or so from harvest.
Day 35
Still day 35 lol

I forgot how much ass these things were kicking. I miss my little weeden but dont regret my move one bit, Im very happy where Im at today.
Day 35
Heres the original post the day I got the second trellis in.
Day 42 I believe.
I really enjoyed going back through that journal, thanks.
And no, I did not stop to take pics of the canopy killing itself lol Im amazed by people sometimes... "I just cut three of my fingers off, let me post an update on facebook about it" lol get that shit taken care of you moron lolol
But you can see some of the colas all bent n' shit... It was not easy.
Had to add another layer of trellis because the canopy started to collapse on itself.
Sour D coming down

Very smelly, and sticky.
Space Bomb
Not even gonna lie....your one of the few select growers who make me really wanna get back into this again. Dam you lol.
Fuck the government.
Sorry to hear of your situation bro, good to see you around again though.
AK47 does def make some donkey kongers! Its my goto strain for yield, and its dank as hell although I rarely smoke it unless its for insomnia. Shit knocks my d$*k in the dirt BAD! You know he's got the pix! lol
I took some time this am and looked back from the beginning of this grow. I just love the way you do shit. Box caulked, electrical clean in interior, ducting efficient and throrough. A noob could read your thread and follow your methods exactly and learn everything he needs to know right here. He couldn't do what you do, but it would be a great place to start! lol
Thanks shwaggy

Have come a long way I must say

Some will call it growers ocd, I read nugs say its oca,,, obsessive compulsive advantage lol
hahaha I did stop by, promise!!! I just didnt make my presence known