I was going through WhoD update withdrawals and had to check in. If you don't update for two days the growth rate looks like a week so I need to stay caught up lol. BP is going to be stellar! All of it will be but wow just look at that beautiful stretch and node placement. Vert looking tight!! I think my real favorite is the MVK though. Mainliners are looking like this isn't your first rodeo, what are your thoughts so far?
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Does Gary have a favorite plant!!? Have you seen him eat anything since the wasp? l thought Mary was in the vert and Gary was in the other tent? Are you trying to hook them up? lol
OMG I would stab his boat with my knife! Or stab him lol how the fuck do people remain so calm? lol like dude Im fucking fishing here ok. lol Is that the "look at that" guy? lol
I tucked back allot of the fan leaves, I couldn't bring myself to pluck them... Iv been seeing some very interesting stuff on defoliation, may give it a go on a few plants.
To everyone, please no debates on de-faning, Iv read both sides plenty of times and this subject always ends up in some kind of pissing contest. No drama please.
Im loving the mainlining so far! Everything in the vert side is also technically mainlined except for the one unconventional,, the one that looks like a lady doing an upside down split

The rest is 100% mainline... Its taking to vert scrog VERY well. I think all my plants for now on will be mainlined.
Gary, that Gary... I had them in separate cabs but the smaller one found its way into the vert side somehow lol, oh well, they get along great

I learned today that they eat their skin when shedding, I watched it, I was wondering where the skin was going lol... So besides the occasional wasp and skin I have no clue what they eat. I may look into what they like to eat and start feeding them.
I do give them water though.
It would be awesome to have a few dozen or so lizards in the grows lol
I havent done preventative for mites after I stopped seeing them....2 months later I have mites again and I am gonna use that organic recipe to see how it goes.
Thanx Whodat!
It works best as a preventative, I would use something else in conjunction with that spray

I hope you get it sorted bass!
Walls are looking bad ass!
And we should figure out a way to meet up at the CUP I'm going with a couple guys too.
Thanks TC
For sure. I'll shoot ya my email when the time comes... I is gonna have a blast