There's something magical about that vertical hanging light and those glistening buds... Tasty Looking
You may be right, I get stuck just staring at it all the time

I need to work on my fucking cloning skills or lack thereof. I think I may have figured it out , too wet.
I imagine the berry bubble is gonna go beast mode by day 43.
Hey I took some tester clones from some small growth in the flower cab recently, it worked much much better. All I changed was making my angled cut while the stem was submerged under water, and I didnt have the tray full of water.
So I soaked the rapid rooters (or any other similar product) in a light nute/hormone solution while I set everything up to clone. Like I usually do, I made the initial cut one node below where I my final cut will be made. Then put the stems in a large cup full of the solution the RRs were soaking in and made my final cut with a pair of trimming scissors. I made the angled cut half an inch below the chosen node, I have seen that roots like to grow from scraped nodes when they are allowed to. I then lightly scarred the stems bottom inch with a clean razor. Let them sit in the solution for 15-20min maybe then into the bottoms of the RRs and into the tray. This time I did not leave a half inch of water in the tray as the instructions suggested me to do, and just watered them VERY little every day or so,,, just enough to see that they were moist. No clone dome, no spraying, just sitting there in the open off to the side of my 600. They had roots one week later, I actually tossed them yesterday, twas a success and boosted my moral a bit haha.
cute as two chipmunks......awwwwwwwwwwe yeaaaaa
lmao you caught me off guard there haha, thanks for the laugh. aww yea aww yea.
Whats happened too the likes>> Looking good whodat .. cheesey berry umm ..chopped the sweetest cheese plant down last night .. could almost eat it .. gotta love the cheese bro..
I know what your saying Dre! I actually eat a fresh flower from time to time whenever I harvest

Usually the fruity ones that catch my attention.
And yes,,,, gotta love das cheese! Im talking about the food too

so many different kinds of wonderful cheese!