Whole leaf rolling sideways?


Well-Known Member
is the light hanging over the plants to the left & not directly over these? Look like your plants are facing the light source to get as much as they can. My outdoor plants tent to move with the sun like that.

edit: it’s either that, or too much light & the leaves are turning to NOT get hit with as much.


Well-Known Member
Yeah after looking again .. i agree.. theyre bending for light.. my first thought was he had the grow light of for pics.
I have seen this before outside & thought it was pretty cool. With the fans blowing it looked like the plants were waving farewell to its friend for the day lol
Here’s one of them.. though at different angles, you can tell in the second pic that the tops are facing east. AFD5D91D-9AED-4AD6-A8A0-D7DC57A0DB78.jpeg65BBBDB2-D7BD-4D67-8BBF-0AB3B0773201.jpeg