Some crazy shit just happend!
I went outside to check on Durga-Mama1 who has been Outdoors for a month or so, (super-bad-nute-burn).
I looked down torwards her gigantec stem, and low and behold, a BABY-DURGA-MATA!
She must be the Virgin of Marijuana, because she isnt flowering, I dont see any Bannana's, but there is a Baby Bud Plant near her surface.
This isnt really possible because she was transplanted into the 5 Gallon bucket when she was a few months old Vegative. She had no other seeds placed in the dirt, and I have not had any seeds or Bananas show up on any Durga-Mata's.
This is very strange in deed, but IT IS A MARIJUANA PLANT! Cytledons and all!
I'll take this Seedling out and transplant when its not raining. Very strange!
Any Ideas!?!!?!?