Who's getting their paychecks this week?

I'm so high right now but a little disapointed cuz I'm out of the green and have to wait til Friday to buy another batch.

When I started smoking everyday I stopped sharing w/ my friends so often. I used to share alot of my weed w/ "close" friends. But now that I'm out noone seems to invite me to toke. I hate fucken asking for a spark up and that's something that I just can't do.

Any1 w/ the similar situation?:joint:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Yes and no. I get paid tomorrow (unemployment...so lame) but I also quit smoking because it costs to much and being broke is worse then not having buds. I pretty much required my friends to come smoke me out when I didn't have any...because I always smoked them out when they were dry. Karma is awesome. Don't be scared to ask your buddies if to smoke you out unless you're stingy with your buds. If you share occasionally they should too.


Active Member
Weed will get you through times of no money, better than money can get through times of no weed !! IMO :P


Active Member
I know how you feel I hate asking friends for weed even though I smoke almost all my weed with them.(not that i mind)


Well-Known Member
I share a lot with my best friend, which I consider a brother.
I first smoked with him and he got me started on a healthy dose of good stuff:
OG Kush
Black Rose Kush (never heard of it again but its the best ive ever smoked)
train wreck

and the occasional mids, but now its mostly mids since i roll fat blunts.
I get mid for pretty cheap so i keep a stash for 2 weeks. I only get dank when people chip down


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, can't wait, same situation your in pretty much, no cash and i don't get paid till friday and i smoked everything yesterday :( oh well.