yeaa man i appreciate ur input. =) its funny cuz sum1 messaged me tellin me to shake my plants back and forth a few times a day to help strengthen my stems.. cuz they were sayin my stems looked a lil thin. lol. adn then u said to do that to make more frost. i get wat ir sayin tho... it would make sense in theory... more stress = more frost... which is why alotta ppl put their platns in darkness for a couple days b4 harvest. (and because the THC count is higher durin the dark period... since light kills THC... if u harvest after ur lights have been on for 12 hrs... it wont be as potent... noty sure if u would actually notice the difference... but still.. every lil bit counts. lol)
but thanks for the tip! i think its just the strains im growin right now... cuz alot of my old plants were VERY frosty.. my full moon... blue venom.. white widow... adn especially my sensi star were frosty as hell!! just the alst few havent been as frosty as i'd like. but maybe ill give it a try with one of my current plants... see what happens. =) its worth a try.. if worse comes to worse.. ill just have a strong ass stem. lol
haha no way cool yeah it thicken's up the stem's which then in term can hold more bud, and yeah in all honesty it makes sence well i think, yes your right, they do i leave mine in dark for 24 hours then harvest, exactly every bit counts
and no problem was just givin a tip who ever wanted to try or expirement it or people who already have,and very nice strains hope all goes well for you at least you have something nice to smoke make the most of it enjoy