Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

This thread is bitter-fucking-sweet. For one thing, y'all have more frosty buds than I'll ever be able to grow or acquire in a lifetime. And 2, your camera quality is BONKERS. Note to self: One day I will have the money & freedom to grow (and photograph) as many sparkly buds as I wish. Just gotta be patient. And believe...

Seriously tho, this thread is insane. It's making me tingly in my happy bits. :leaf::hump:
let's see, names not already taken...as far as i know
Herbert Cookies
Herbert's Sherbet Cookie's
Shambert Cookies
Amber Wookie
Amber Nookie
This New Shit I'm Having Trouble Naming....
Last of the plants are finishing up for the summer clean out. Just in time its getting to damn hot in my flower room

Pink Panther x Grape Crush) x CBanan.
DSCN6517.jpg DSCN6516.jpg

Looks good bro will you be releasing that in seed form?

yes. Seeds are at Firestax.. I asked OES if he wants some. He is at the HT event in Santa Rosa. Wil lhave to wait for him to get home to find out
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