Who’s growing Sativas?

I’m currently working on a Sativa. First one for me, mostly dealt with hybrids before.
A couple weeks from the next transplant, should be flipping to flower in a month. Going into a 10G SmartPot.
Canuk Super Lemon Haze, from seed.


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Truthfully, I didn't even know there was a Silver haze. But all of them are worked lines that do well indoors. I would add that you might consider mainlining as a means of controlling height. I did it with all my sativas...on my current run. Some take to it better but my Kali Mists trained easy...as well as my hybrids. But the Thai pheno GTs...damn they are very close to end of stretch. Had to do some top trimming. With vigelance it can be done...
Well I do plan on ScROGging them out with a 21inchx21inch screen, and if need be, I can add another 2ftx2ft screen ontop. Sorry for my general newbiness, but would that sort of count as mainlining since I'll be topping them twice, then spreading them out and what not? Oh and nice work Djwimbo!
I am growing a swazi gold indoor and have a babysitter at outdoor area with 3 more.. I needed to supercrop swazi as the stretch was crazy..tied it around big tomatoe cage.. At week 10..i think 4 weeks left.. 20190804_214141.jpg
Found this little gem out of about 20 bag seed plants. The Sativa trait is strong with this one. If it wasn't for cropping and super cropping she'd be well over 6'.


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I’m currently working on a Sativa. First one for me, mostly dealt with hybrids before.
A couple weeks from the next transplant, should be flipping to flower in a month. Going into a 10G SmartPot.
Canuk Super Lemon Haze, from seed.

Beautiful clean setup
Do you intend on topping those, Flash? Looking good so far! :)
Thanks!,I already pinched the top shoot at the fourth node..I am vertically challenged in my flower room (6’7”) so my plan is,to take at least 10 copy’s of each plant then flower the copys out soon after rooting..was told they will stretch well into week 4 of flower.
learned this from growing CBD strains, which are mostly sativa hybrids, and found best to grow in 74-78F and lower light intensity environments, but the dude said, SATIVA LIKES, ect, and not necessarily CBD sativa strains.

But we can wait for the " No, your Wrong" , and correct me thru some scientific data, to get me straight, lol.

Im not a Pro, im just transcribing what highly touted professional seminars and podcasts,
I’ve only grown a cbd cultivar once,so don’t know too much about them.I have grown a few high thc Sativa though and they like lots of light.low nutrients levels(especially nitrogen)and the medium a bit drier..I don’t like too get temps above 85 generally anyway.Thats just my experience with nld types.
Ghost Train Haze #1 is regular scrog for me. She is a huge yielder and will knock you on your ass. I run mine at 84F with co2. No herms or heat stress. She needs lots of light and stretches like a mother fucker. Like 3x to 4x stretch. I would definitely flip at 8' inches. A warning though ... Some people are real sensitive to sativas and will get panic attacks. If you are one of those people, this shit will have you running for the door. Definitely a day smoke.
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The one on the right side in the back (tall one) is in a 5gal under 24/0 and just showed her sex. Stretched like she's in flower mode already lol other one is from the same bag of weed, bagseed, but they sure look sativa to me.20190813_133439.jpg 20190813_133434.jpg 20190813_133035.jpg 20190813_131727.jpg
xombie, you spray them with something?

and watch your nitrogen on those flowering plants, your overfeeding, might be the calmag if your using it.

just tellin ya,
xombie, you spray them with something?

and watch your nitrogen on those flowering plants, your overfeeding, might be the calmag if your using it.

just tellin ya,
Preflower I used seven dust for some aphids, never felt like actually cleaning them besides spraying water. I'm not feeding for the past month lol I started using superthrive and havn't had to use anything since, Tiger bloom just arrived though so I tossed a smidge of that in today.
Miracle grow soil, the slow release soils they make, I used a combo of 4 or 5 different bags.
Thereeeee it is, thats why growers dont use Miracle Grow, it has to much nitrogen for this plant, and by time you flip, still is way to much in it. IF you HAVE to use Miracle grow, its very much needed to Flush it several time, thru wet/dry cycles, to "trick" the soil in releasing the nitrogen granules so there isnt an abundance throughout the grow, if that makes sense.
Preflower I used seven dust for some aphids, never felt like actually cleaning them besides spraying water. I'm not feeding for the past month lol I started using superthrive and havn't had to use anything since, Tiger bloom just arrived though so I tossed a smidge of that in today.
Miracle grow soil, the slow release soils they make, I used a combo of 4 or 5 different bags.
You should look up Subcool's super soil recipe. You might need a little bit of bloom boost near the end. Before I went Hydro, I could usually run a plant from clone to harvest with that recipe. If you use it, layer your container with 1/3 super soil, then fill the rest with Coco . That shit runs hot and will burn the fuck out of some plants.
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In my experience, if you want to grow sativas indoors and are worried about height....flank 2 lights on each side of the plant...it will start to grow east and west instead of north..I use two HIDS @ 750w per light. This is also a great setup in case one light fails.


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